Stepping up to Chemistry Online resource aimed at pre-university students to use the summer before starting their course and also throughout their first year (to replace “re-read your A-level notes”) Designed to help with topics that are generally found to be the most difficult to aid the transition to university study Unique resource that is tailored for York Chemists Katrina Sayer, Chemistry
Stepping up to Chemistry Website designed by a third year student as a BSc project Survey of year 1-3 ug students and first year lecturers Identify topics to included (most challenging topics) Feedback on content (revision notes, worked examples, problems) Preferred format (web/VLE, word docs, pdfs, screencasts) Feedback on style of the website Web/VLE site will be produced by an ug this summer (internship)
Stepping up to Chemistry
Site includes: brief revision notes (emphasis on annotated diagrams) links to varying existing resources, including: recommended texts laboratory videos (lab techiques) lots of worked examples problems (with outline answers, some delivered by screencasts)
Stepping up to Chemistry