Highlights of Tuesday’s session Machine aspects Copyright © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc.
beams: Motivation (M. Mezzetto) Two types of factories –Muon based: ultimate precision for 13 and CP violation. –Low energy (< K threshold) and high intensity pion beam (SPL) + High energy (200 GeV/nucleon) and high intensity radio-active beams. Distinctive feature: the only facility to address CP, T and CPT simultaneously.
beams: radio active sources (F. Wenander) 6 He 3+ : e -bar emitter 18 Ne 10+ : e emitter Gain a factor 50 over present intensities. Intensive R&D needed. Enthusiasm in the Eurisol community. Collaborations to be set up with GSI and TRIUMF and may be RIKEN.
beams: acceleration and storage (M. Lindroos). Linac, cyclotron or FFAG, PS, SPS, decay ring. Identified problems: a. beam losses in PS and decay ring, b. space charge at injection into SPS: 40 MHz RF system in SPS (envisaged for LHC) c. phase space volume in decay ring: bunch merging.
Targets 1. Funneling n beams (F. Meot) Repetition frequency divided by n per target and collector. Example: n=4. Avoid unproven technology. Large aperture quadrupoles common to all channels. AG focusing with betatron and dispersion matching. Detailed tracking shows full transmission of pions for p in ( ) MeV/c and 1 cm physical emittance and 60 % conversion of muons with no additional losses in downstream quadrupole channel.
Targets 2. Tantalum beads (P. Sievers) Diameter: 2 mm. Density: 10 g/cm3. He gas cooling. Complete parametrization for CERN scheme. Extension to other schemes needed. Can be tested at BNL. Integration with horn.
Targets 3: Developments at BNL (H. Kirk). Detailed investigation of all types of material: low Z (graphite), medium Z (alloys), high Z (mercury). Mercury is prefered. Tests with 4*10 12 p/bunch. Planned to be increased by a factor 4. AGS beam time: 2 weeks/year.
Targets 4: Developments on mercury at CERN (J. Lettry) New tests in 13 T solenoid with improved instrumentation: jet stabilization but change from cylindrical to ribbon shape. Explanation of thin transverse jets after beam traversal by cavitation.
PRISM collection system (K. Yoshimura) Tungsten target. Superconducting solenoid. Need for shielding increases stored energy and cost. Test in KEK PS beam in Investigate conducting target.
CERN Fact horn (S. Gilardoni) Horn is built and ready to be tested. Use of NuMI power supply to be considered. Investigate effects of neutron irradiation on mechanical properties. Estimated lifetime: 6 weeks. Integration with target under study.