Delivering Science Labs Using Remote Laboratories Sue Schmidt NANSLO/CHEO Project Coordinator
Introduction to Remote Laboratories
NANSLO Laboratories NANSLO currently has three laboratories: Colorado Community College System (Colorado Lab) Great Falls College Montana State University (Montana Lab) North Island College (British Columbia Lab) 13 in Colorado through CCCOnline 2 in Montana – GFCMSU & Flathead Valley Community College 1 in Wyoming – Laramie County Community College 1 in South Dakota – Lake Area Technical College 1 in Alaska – Kodiak College UAA NANSLO serves 18 Colleges:
NANSLO’s Laboratories Offer High-end scientific equipment with robotics connected to them Web-based interface used to access the laboratory from anywhere in the world Dials and buttons used for experimentation and visuals showing data generation Lab technicians on site Scheduling system for easy access to laboratories Pay-per-booking pricing model
NANSLO — Currently offers 27 Lab Activities in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Allied Health See to access these lab activities.
Student Experience By accessing real scientific lab equipment using a web-based interface, students: Engage in authentic experimentation — real equipment, real data, real time by accessing a real science laboratory Each to manipulate the scientific apparatus by sharing control of the NANSLO web interface All see what is happening through strategically placed cameras that streams video to a video window on their web-based interface All experience real scientific experimentation together increasing collaboration and exploration among the group Hypothesize as a team the impact of different settings and see what actually occurs as experimental parameters are changed. Get a sense of being there using the camera presets to see the equipment working Capture high-resolution images for lab reports
Expanding Student Access NANSLO laboratories provide online (and hybrid) students with a quality experience that can: Meet many of the laboratory course objectives Allow students to enroll in courses requiring a lab component not accessible to them without this delivery option Enable higher education to offer science laboratory courses online while meeting expectations for rigorous academic standards Increase laboratory availability without high capital investment
Articulation Value The use of NANSLO Laboratories may increase the chance for articulation with four-year institutions that will not accept courses that use virtual labs or lab kits, because students use real equipment, generate real data, and use the scientific process in analyzing, collecting, and presenting findings. In Colorado: Use of NANSLO by CCConline was critical in creating Articulation Agreements.
Available Now NANSLO has excess capacity and a proven track record Over 1500 served through one laboratory alone in 2014 Using NANSLO Laboratories May Reduce Your Capital Investment No need to invest in your own infrastructure Space Equipment Faculty/Lab Techs Prices are competitive with other options and could save you money
Bring Remote Laboratories to Your Institution 1.Hands-on demo? 2.Pilot program? 3.Full implementation for a science course? 4.Full implementation across your organization for all online science courses? 5.Become a NANSLO Laboratory? What makes the most sense for you?
Summary Remote laboratories are a great new way to deliver science labs It gives access to high-end equipment using the flexibility offered in online delivery It is affordable both to students and institutions Students love it and early studies indicate its efficacy
Bring Remote Laboratories to Your Institution Sue Schmidt
NANSLO Resources NANSLO website NANSLO lab activities NANSLO lab tutorials NANSLO scheduling All material produced subject to: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License This product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership.