Stock Market Crash of 1929
What is your favorite car? 2 minutes with neighbor……
The Symbol of American Prosperity Henry Ford creates the Model-A in This came to represented the American Dream and success of the American people.
Scopes “Monkey” Trial After the turmoil of WWI, the American public relies on their faith for stability. A young teacher, John Scopes, following his textbook, teaches about evolution and finds himself before a court of law.
Osage Murders Social Issues A series of murders were committed on the Osage Indians of Oklahoma. The murders were committed by a gang of white men who were after the oil wealth of the Osage Indians.
You are a student in Mr. Scopes class….. Write a brief description explaining the background of the lawyer who is defending your teacher…..
Trading Floor – January 1928 StockBuySell GMC$75/share$70/share ATT$310/share$300/share ACO$135/share$130/share UCC$160/share$150/share