F. San Martin Edinburgh 6th of October, 2005 PROMOTOR + The value of objective oriented approach in the promotion of entrepreneurship
F. San Martin Index Characters Need to be Fulfilled Goal of the Action Tangible Results Acquired: –Methodology:Goal, Starting point, Principles, Components, Overall Frame –Results from Implementing Methodology. Intangible Results European Added Value Lessons learnt Future
F. San Martin Characters Donors CARSA (Spain) Universitaet des Saarlandes Wissens- und Technologietransfer GmbH (Germany) Karnten Entwicklungsagentur (Austria) Paragon (Greece) Recipients Primorski Tehnoloski Park (Slovenia) Wroclawskie Centrum Transferu Technologii (Lower Silesia; Poland) Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation. (Wielkopolska; Poland) CIST University of Sofia (Bulgaria) Latvian Technology Center (Latvia)
F. San Martin Index Characters Need to be Fulfilled Goal of the Action Tangible Results Acquired: –Methodology:Goal, Starting point, Principles, Components, Overall Frame –Results from Implementing Methodology. Intangible Results European Added Value Lessons learnt Future
F. San Martin Need Promote the entrepreneurship in a sustainable way for enhancing the regions economy wealth.
F. San Martin Index Characters Need to be Fulfilled Goal of the Action Tangible Results Acquired: –Methodology:Goal, Starting point, Principles, Components, Overall Frame –Results from Implementing Methodology. Intangible Results European Added Value Lessons learnt Future
F. San Martin Goal Define and validate a simple but structured methodology applicable in less developed regions for promoting the entrepreneurship.
F. San Martin Index Characters Need to be Fulfilled Goal of the Action Tangible Results Acquired : –Methodology:Goal, Starting point, Principles, Components, Overall Frame –Results from Implementing Methodology. Intangible Results European Added Value Lessons learnt Future
F. San Martin Tangible results Consolidated and tested Methodology: –Customisable generic methodology –Implementation Operational Indications Tangible results from the implementations: –37 Business Ideas in the market. (Goal 25) –36 Additional firms in registration process. –47 Additional entrepreneurs being supported.
F. San Martin Methodology. Goal General Information PresentationTrainingIndividual assistance Best Practices ACTIONS Number of potential EIBTs Intensity of assist. Best practices
F. San Martin Methodology. Starting point Measures for promoting entrepreneurship are like the human body organs. Their effectiveness depends on integration and coordination
F. San Martin Methodology. Principles Importance of Analysis (but avoid paralysis because of analysis) Seek the Synergy and Alignment of the existing Measures to enhance their effects. The more Stakeholders Participate, the more Effective, Efficient and Sustainable the action will be. Stakeholders’ Commitment rather than involvement.
F. San Martin Methodology. Components Iterative based generic frame. Four detailed key modules (guidelines), on which base the implementation. -Entrepreneurs identification Module: -Identification- Commitment -Dissemination- Business Plan Competition -Selection -Training Module: -Identification of lacks- Programme definition -Training courses -Financing Start-ups Module -Incubation Module
F. San Martin Methodology. Overall Frame
F. San Martin Tangible results from implementation Business Ideas brought to the market: 37 New firms constituted during project life: 27 3 Bulgaria; 4 Lower Silesia (Poland); 10 Wielkopolska (Poland); 5 Slovenia; 5 Latvia. Business ideas absorbed by already existing firms : 2 (Slovenia) Recently founded firms’ entrepreneurs supported. 8 (Bulgaria) Business entities in foundation process: 36 (committed to be established before 2006) 4 Bulgaria ; 26 Lower Silesia (Poland); 4 Wielkopolska; 2 Slovenia Entrepreneurs supported: 113 (66 in first round, in second 47 one)
F. San Martin Index Characters Need to be Fulfilled Goal of the Action Tangible Results Acquired: –Methodology:Goal, Starting point, Principles, Components, Overall Frame –Results from Implementing Methodology. Intangible Results European Added Value Lessons learnt Future
F. San Martin Intangible results Increase of networking effect. Reinforcement of relationship between stakeholders. Pro Plus Methodology has become an icon in the regions of implementation. Reinforcement of the image of “donors” as experts. Reinforcement of the role of “recipients” as dynamisers in their regions. Launch of internationally recognised events.
F. San Martin Index Characters Need to be Fulfilled Goal of the Action Tangible Results Acquired: –Methodology:Goal, Starting point, Principles, Components, Overall Frame –Results from Implementing Methodology. Intangible Results European Added Value Lessons learnt Future
F. San Martin European added value European convergence although is becoming a reality, but it is not spontaneous. Development of regional/ national economies supported by common actions make alignments and convergence go faster. Third regions’ experiences show us that, in spite of our local idiosyncrasy, we have many things to share and many things to learn from each other. This is a bidirectional learning process. Platform on which the project has been supported, give not only partners but firms created the feeling of belonging to a real European market.
F. San Martin Index Characters Need to be Fulfilled Goal of the Action Tangible Results Acquired: –Methodology:Goal, Starting point, Principles, Components, Overall Frame –Results from Implementing Methodology. Intangible Results European Added Value Lessons learnt Future
F. San Martin Lessons learnt Not all solutions are good for everybody. Customisation
F. San Martin Lessons learnt In 1805, the emperors from Russia and Austria agreed on joining their forces to defeat Napoleon. Russians said that their troops would be on the battle field on the 20th of October. Austrian army prepared their plans based on such date, according to Gregorian calendar. Russia, used Julian calendar, which has 10 days of delay. Difference permitted Napoleon defeat one army first and then the other. Coordination of Actions
F. San Martin Lessons learnt Commitment Partially involved attitudes are not sustainable effective. Success only when all players are committed
F. San Martin Lessons learnt No miraculous solution exists, only well planned, committed and effort invested actions. Plan, Commitment and Effort
F. San Martin Index Characters Need to be Fulfilled Goal of the Action Tangible Results Acquired: –Methodology:Goal, Starting point, Principles, Components, Overall Frame –Results from Implementing Methodology. Intangible Results European Added Value Lessons learnt Future
F. San Martin Future “Iron must be hammered while it is incandescent” Recipient regions are already implementing second edition of the project. “Donors” are already offering their services to third regions. Some partners have consolidated relationships and already considering complementary actions.
F. San Martin Contact Coordinator: Fernando San Martín Telf:(+34) Company URL: Project URL:
F. San Martin PROMOTOR Plus Project Examples of Spin-off effects Bulgaria Region
F. San Martin Widening partnership with other PAXIS projects : –Sharing the experience of the ESTER project on venture capital provision; –Inclusion in PANEL network and collaboration in organising significant events (SYSTEMS Expo); –Best practices of TRANSACT project. AASIE – Bulgarian Association of Advanced Studies, Innovation and Entrepreneurship established in close cooperation with Gruender Regio, Munich ; High-tech Incubator at Sofia University under establishment – Concept Approved; Participation in International Trade Fair PLOVDIV Expo 2004.
F. San Martin European Day of the Entrepreneur EDE Innovation and DevelopmentEDE Innovation and Development EDE Opportunities and Challenges in the Enlargementof the EU MarketEDE Opportunities and Challenges in the Enlargement of the EU Market Partners from other PAXIS projects invited:Partners from other PAXIS projects invited: oPANEL; oTRANSACT; oESTER. The two events:The two events: 32 co-organiser institutions; 28 panel sessions; more than 1000 participants, from 13 countries;32 co-organiser institutions; 28 panel sessions; more than 1000 participants, from 13 countries; 184 speakers; 5 parallel events; Officials from many relevant state and public institutions.184 speakers; 5 parallel events; Officials from many relevant state and public institutions.
F. San Martin 3rd European Day of the Entrepreneur November, Sofia, Bulgaria oSpecial parallel session with all the majors and relevant national authorities invited; Dissemination of PROPLUS Methodology among the six economic regions of BG (RIS projects); Discussion on the problems of innovation promotion; NTBCs encouragement/support, incubators development.