By: Brandon Ruley, Quinton Goodman, Alix Mcintyre, Bradly Elswick
LAND ANIMALS Wolves & Foxes Leopards & Tigers Bears Rabbits & Hares Beavers, squirrels, etc. Bats Pandas Abominable snowman
The boreal forest is restricted to the northern hemisphere There is lots of snow everywhere. Bodies of water are frozen most of the year. There are some snow covered mountains.
Pine tree Firs Moss Lichens Spruce Maple Larch Redwood Sequoia
Long Severe Winters Short Summers Temperatures range from -70 o F to 100 o F Precipitation ranges from 15 to 70in a year Low evaporation rates make it very humid.
1. what is the range of temperatures? 2. what is the range of precipitation? 3. Name a type of tree. 4. Name a type of plant. (not a tree) 5. What hemisphere is this located in? 6. Is there Mountains? 7. Name an animal. 8. Is there a wide variety of animals. Bonus: Is the abominable snow man real?