Kansas – MAP Integration
Kansas – MAP & RMW Process For resource information to flow from RMW to Kansas-MAP the following steps must be completed in RMW. The resource must: 1.Have a Federal or Sate qualification assigned 2.Have location information (address and Contact info) 3.Have the deployable button checked The transfer of information from RMW to Kansas-MAP is done once every business day. (work is being done to automate this process)
Kansas – MAP & RMW Process Resources Must have a Federal or State qualification assigned. Click State and a new page will open with ESF folders Click any of the Federal ESFs and they will open folders of qualifications Once selected the qual will move to right side of the page
The map will search in this priority for location: 1.Longitude & Latitude 2.Address 3.City Centroid Kansas – MAP & RMW Process Contact information needs to be included. Deployable button must be checked.
Visualization of Deployable Resources entered into RMW LOOK AT HOW MUCH WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED ALREADY!! 517 RECORDS!!
Click on the “More” tab, in the upper right corner of the viewer. Scroll to the bottom, looking for “RMW Equipment”. There is a checkbox and a display/collapse arrow with it. Check the box next to “RMW Equipment”, and toggle the display/collapse arrow to display the contents below. Contents in RMW Equipment header 1.Boundaries (another drop down). Toggle arrow to see contents. A.Counties – check the box for county boundaries B.HomelandSecurityRegions – check the box for HLS Regions C.KansasBoundary – check the box for the Kansas Boundary 2.RMW Equipment – this will display all Equipment correctly entered into RMW – that meets the criteria to be pulled into Kansas-MAP
Identify This widget is used to view information about features displayed on the map. Nearly all layers can be used with the identify button. The identify capability turns on when the widget opens. Click the blue circle in the identify window, and then click the point on the map you want identified. The identify table will show the data, and also a pop up window on the point selected.
K-SERV Integration
K-SERV Kansas System for the Early Registration of Volunteers Kansas implementation of the federal ESAR-VHP (Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals) program. Program was established by Congress in 2002 – Created to support states & territories in establishing standardized volunteer registration programs for disasters & public health & medical emergencies Federal ESAR-VHP is administered by the Health & Human Services (HHS)/Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response (ASPR). K-SERV is administrated by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)
K-SERV A web-based volunteer management system. The primary goal of the system is for volunteers who register their identities, licenses, credentials, accreditations, and hospital privileges are all verified in advance of a public health and medical disaster or emergency.
K-SERV – Credential Levels The federal ESAR-VHP office as developed a system of classifying and assigning volunteers into one of four “credential levels.” CRMCS will utilize K-SERV and the “credential levels” as the verification source for all licensed, certified, or registered health & medical professionals.
K-SERV – How to Register ORwww.kansasresponder.com
K-SERV – Filling Out License Info. A health & medical professional needs to fill out all the information under “My License,” so KDHE can properly assigned them a credential level.