Michelle Gagliano April 2007 TA: Allison Mueller
Setting and Participant Description My work, UCM, is a volunteer organization. We can’t operate our programs without volunteer attendance. One program that was having particular problems with attendance was Habitat for Humanity. This is a real intervention.
Reason to Intervene So, we had to do something to increase volunteer attendance so that we could run our programs. People would sign up for the event, and then not show up. This year our volunteer attendance has been really low. This meant that we had to do something to increase the number of volunteers and their attendance at events they signed up for.
Many people put off volunteering because the volunteer hours are small, but cumulative. Therefore the natural contingency is ineffective. Instead of volunteering, people could be using that time to do activities such as: –S–Sleep in –R–Run errands –G–Go shopping –H–Hang out with friends –D–Do homework –J–Just relax Analyze the Natural Contingencies
Ineffective Natural Contingency Will not gain more volunteer hours Attend a Habitat event Will gain more volunteer hours
Analyze the Natural Contingencies Natural Competing Contingency Opportunity for free time Attend a Habitat event No opportunity for free time
Attendance of Habitat Events Baseline # of people attended Event Dates # of People # of people signed up
Baseline Explanation Only a few people signed up each week, and even fewer attended the Habitat event(s). Habitat can hold up to 17 volunteers, and at most, only 9 signed up during baseline. –The day that 9 volunteers signed up, only 5 attended During baseline, only 77% of volunteers that signed up actually attended. The graph shows that an intervention is necessary to increase the amount of volunteers signing up and showing up.
Specify the Performance Objectives The goal we are trying to achieve is 100% of volunteers that sign up for events actually show up for that event. Habitat can utilize up to 17 volunteers per week.
(Volunteers with 100% attendance rate) [Output] Production: Implement PM procedure- Drawing [Process] (Volunteers that do attend 100% of the time) [Input] Input-Process-Output Model InputProcessOutput The intention is that the process/drawing will increase attendance to 100%
Goal Specification Form Output Volunteers that attend 100% of the time Standards Quality CurrentIdeal Lowered quality of programs Higher quality of programs Quantity Less than 17 attend17 volunteers attend Timeliness By 8am Saturday event days Cost None $200 in total intervention costs ProcessImplement PM procedure- Drawing Production: X Distribution_ __R&D__ _ InputVolunteers that do not attend 100% of the time
Design the Intervention After a long conversation with my manager, we settled on an idea that we thought might work… A drawing!! We told all the volunteers that they would be entered in a weekly drawing as long as they attended the Habitat event they signed up for Good idea! Yeah! How do I enter?
Design the Intervention Prizes for the drawing were weekly $10 gift certificates to: –Kalamazoo 10 –Speedway –Best Buy –Target –Meijer Also, the person who attended the most events that they signed up for would win an I-Pod Shuffle at the end of the semester
Design the Intervention Performance Management Contingency No opportunity to be entered in drawing Opportunity to be entered in drawing Attend Habitat event
Implement the Intervention At one of our regular Tuesday night meetings my manager told the group about the implementation of the drawing We used a job-aid to help with the crew leaders and volunteers understanding of the drawing I would call the Crew Leaders every Thursday to remind them about: –The rules of the drawing –Reminder phone calls to volunteers –Sign in sheets
Implement the Intervention The Crew Leader would call all the people on the original sign in sheet to remind them that they signed up at that they will be entered in a drawing if they attend the event On Saturday the Crew Leader had everyone that attended the event sign up on a blue sign in sheet On Tuesday I compared the data of the sign in sheets and did the drawing The winner was called and given one week to pick up their prize
Evaluate the Intervention Spring Break People who signed up People who attended # Of People Weeks Habitat Event Attendance Baseline Intervention //
Evaluate the Intervention The intervention did increase attendance Attendance was improved from 77% during baseline to 84.5% during intervention That is a 7.5% increase from baseline to intervention
Recycle Luckily, I did not recycle my project because it successfully increased attendance However, if I did, I would have implemented an additional PM contingency for Crew Leaders to turn in their sign up sheets This was the biggest problem we had with the intervention
Personal Experience This project added to my knowledge and understanding of OBM I enjoyed the project and watching the positive impact it had The graphs were the most reinforcing aspect for me
Manager and Employee Experience The manager enjoyed the experience and felt the outcome was great! She wants to continue a similar project next year with all our volunteer programs The employees were really excited about the drawing when they first heard about it, but their Social Validity Questionnaire's showed mixed reviews
Discussion Social Validity –The social validity questionnaires showed that some people really liked the drawing and others felt it was useless IOA –IOA was checked three times by fellow staff members and also BSAP class members –IOA was 100% each time it was checked Treatment Integrity –Weekly meetings took place with the manager to make sure that we were both on the same track and still had the same pinpoint in mind