MICS Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Organized by UNICEF ___RO and HQ Day, Month, Year.


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Presentation transcript:

MICS Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Organized by UNICEF ___RO and HQ Day, Month, Year

Expected Workshop Results Improved understanding of the indicators and the recommended survey methodology for collecting data on the situation of children and women through MICS. Strengthened skills of participants in the planning, organization, management and coordination of MICS. Draft survey plans produced for countries committed to conducting MICS.

Overview of Workshop Structure Following the global MICS overview, the workshop will be organized around the key components of a survey plan. Opportunity during presentations to ask questions followed by in-depth country group discussions and time to work on survey plans. Countries will work with a key facilitator throughout the workshop and will receive specialized sampling support.

Country Focal Points CountriesFacilitators/Resource Persons