1 1 VERSION 1.0
“The Magical Number” Determining Ask Amounts for the It Just Takes One Campaign 2 VERSION 1.0
Introduction Purpose Goals Definition Set the right tone 3 VERSION 1.0
Fundamental Steps 4 VERSION 1.0
Use the Range of Gifts table Build your prospect list Keep volunteers involved Fundamental Steps 5 VERSION 1.0
The Range of Gifts Table 6 VERSION 1.0
Build Your List Identify current relationships Ask for suggestions – use your volunteers Build with good information 7 VERSION 1.0
Three Approaches 8 VERSION 1.0
Using the JMS and minimum approach Segmenting your list Screening potential donors Three Approaches 9 VERSION 1.0
1.Set an initial minimum amount 2.Verify your initial minimum 3.Identify JMS prospects 4.Hold Board Campaign meeting 5.Hold Flooring Gifts meeting 6.Verify your goal The JMS and Minimum Approach 10 VERSION 1.0
Consider these variables: List size < 3000 Previous donors > 500 Campaign experience = 1 st or 2 nd year Flooring Gifts volunteers = board members Best Fit 11 VERSION 1.0
Review original Range of Gifts Table Revise Range of Gifts Table Use volunteer input throughout the process Step 1: Set an Initial Minimum 12 VERSION 1.0
Minimum Amount ROG $50,000 Goal Number of Gifts Gift AmountTotal at Gift Level Cumulative Total 2$10,000 (JMS) $20,000 30$1,000$30,000$50, VERSION 1.0
Step 2: Verify Your Initial Minimum Involve leadership Ask key questions o Every board member? o Sufficient JMS prospects to reach goal? o Enough other prospects to reach goal? o Enough volunteers? 14 VERSION 1.0
Step 3: Identify JMS Prospects Donors who contributed $2,000+ but under gave Donors who gave $2,500+ in response to non- personal solicitation Known philanthropists that Club can access 15 VERSION 1.0
Step 4: Board Campaign Prospect Assignment Meeting Purpose Sample agenda 16 VERSION 1.0
Step 5: Flooring Gifts Prospect Assignment Meeting Purpose Sample agenda List information o Name o Contact information o Relevant giving history 17 VERSION 1.0
Step 6: Verify Your Goal Use the Range of Gifts Table Inform leadership Identify strategies to reach the goal 18 VERSION 1.0
Further Segment Your List Approach For this approach: 1.Begin with the “best fit” approach 2.Further segment your list to develop ask amounts between the minimum amount and the Jeremiah Milbank Society level 19 VERSION 1.0
Best Fit List size: Any size Previous donors > 500 Campaign experience = 1st or 2nd year Flooring Gifts volunteers = board members and one or two others 20 VERSION 1.0
Steps 1.Set minimum ask amount 2.Identify Jeremiah Milbank Society prospects 21 VERSION 1.0
Step 3: Further Classify Prospects Flooring or JMS Flooring categories o $5,000 o $2,500 o Minimum amount Follow guidelines 22 VERSION 1.0
Guidelines for Previous Donors Use grid Consider other factors 23 VERSION 1.0
Grid for Donors Guidelines for Donors Frequency of giving Last Gift AmountNumber of Gifts in Last 3 Years $1 to $ $500 to $ $1,000 to $1, $2,000 to $4, $5, Minimum Flooring Ask Amount Suggested Ask Amount Key: $1,500 to $2,500 $2,500 to $5,000 JMS Invitation 24 VERSION 1.0
Four Factors and Worksheet Access Philanthropy Involvement Range of Gifts Table 25 VERSION 1.0
Non-donor JMS Characteristics $5,000+ gifts to others and Direct access; and Involved (or cheat a little) 26 VERSION 1.0
Non-donor Flooring Characteristics Direct access and willingness Involved but never personally asked 27 VERSION 1.0
Step 4: Verify With Committees Sample Agendas Worksheet 28 VERSION 1.0
Electronic Screening Approach – Best Fit 3,000+ in database 1,000+ donors 2 nd + year of campaign Personal appointments with 2% 29 VERSION 1.0
Electronic Screening Approach - Timing Identify a vendor and get additional info about the vendor requirements and services Engage vendor services, with a contract in November or December Receive results and consulting on use of results in January 30 VERSION 1.0
Final Thoughts 31 VERSION 1.0
Make the Range of Gifts Table very visible Keep the mission out front Donors make the best solicitors Asking is better than not asking Final Thoughts 32 VERSION 1.0
Conclusion 33 VERSION 1.0
Use the Range of Gifts Table in developing ask amounts Consider a minimum ask amount if appropriate Conclusion 34 VERSION 1.0
Identify and rate your best Jeremiah Milbank Society prospects Identify and rate your best Flooring Gifts prospects Learn about using electronic screening to find your best prospects Conclusion 35 VERSION 1.0
36 VERSION 1.0