Spider Jeopardy Click on the point box to get the question. Click on the question slide to get the answer. Roll over or click on the house to return to the main screen. By Rebecca K. Fraker
20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt Body Parts Methods of Catching Prey Webs And Silk Highly Poisonous Where in The World? Spider Jeopardy
A spider can have 2 to 8 of these.
All members of the arachnid group have 8 of these.
What is a leg?
These spin the spider silk.
What is a spinneret?
A spider injects poison with these.
What are fangs?
Close to the mouth, these are used to grip prey.
What are palps or pedipalps?
This spider spins a flat sticky web to catch its prey.
What is an orb-web spider?
This large hairy spider can catch and eat birds, frogs, and lizards.
What is a Goliath Bird-Eating Tarantula?
This species hides in a tunnel with a door and then leaps out and catches its prey.
What is a Trap- door spider?
This spider slings a silk thread with a sticky end on it to catch its prey.
What is a Bola spider?
This deadly spider with a red mark underneath can even kill a human with its poison.
What is a Black Widow?
Made from different kinds of silk from the spider’s spinnerets.
What is a web?
A spider drifting on the wind on a thread of silk.
What is ballooning?
Groups of spiders often gather and make lots of these webs.
What are sheet webs?
Baby spiderlings hatch from eggs protected by this.
What is a cocoon?
This spider is brown and has a fiddle shape.
What is a recluse?
This spider is known for killing its mate and has a red pattern on its abdomen.
What is a Black Widow?
According to urban legend, this spider has the deadliest poison, but that is not true.
What is a Daddy Long Legger
This large hairy spider has huge fangs, but its bite is not any worse than a bee sting.
What is a tarantula?
This spider can come in as a stowaway on fruit and is highly poisonous.
What is a Brazilian Wandering Banana Spider?
What recluse spider is small and shy and has blends in greatly with its surroundings?
What is the Six- eyed Sand Spider?
The Black Widow is found on this continent.
Where is North America?
The tarantula got its name from a dance in this country.
Where is Spain?
No spiders are found in these areas.
Where are the North and South Poles?
Some of the most poisonous spiders in the world are found on this continent.
What is Australia?
The water spider lives underwater in this structure it creates.
What is an air bubble?