Land Use In Maple Grove
What is land use? Refers to the many ways geographers categorize areas of the earth surface according to how people use the land. Click below to identify some land uses. Residential Extractive Farmstead Forest Transportation
Types of land use categories 1. Single Family Residential 2. Multi-family Residential 3. Farmsteads
Types of land use categories 4.Commercial 5.Industrial 6.Industrial Parks not developed 7.Public Industrial 8.Public Semi-public
Types of land use categories 9. Public & Semi-public Vacant 10. Parks and Recreation areas 11. Open water bodies (lakes and ponds) 12. Wetlands (swamp and shallow water) 13. Wetlands (Visible Plants & Forest)
Types of land use categories 14. Forested 15. Vacant/Agricultural (Unused farmland) 16. Transportation 17. Extractive (gravel pits, mines)
Maple Grove N EW S Map 1
Maple Grove N EW S Map 2
Maple Grove N EW S Map
Maple Grove N EW S Map
Maple Grove N EW S Map 5