MGNREGA Mandate Mahatma Gandhi NREGA For the enhancement of livelihood security of rural households by providing at least one hundred days of guaranteed wage employment in every financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work
Core Objectives Provision of unskilled, manual work, on demand Up to 100 days per household in a year Create productive assets Strengthen livelihood resource base of rural poor Proactive social inclusion Focus on vulnerable Strengthen grass-root democratic institutions
Job cards and progress Total No. of Job Cards[In Cr] 12.98 Total No. of Active Job Cards[In Cr] 5.96 Total No. of Workers[In Cr] 27.32 Total No. of Active Workers[In Cr] 9.14 Progress FY 15-16* FY 14-15 FY 13-14 FY 12-13 Approved Labour Budget [In Cr PDs] 239.11 227.29 259.96 280.2 Persondays Generated [In Cr] 87.60* 166.25 220.36 230.48 * Information upto 28th Sep, 2015
Employment generation in 1st Quarter (Persondays in Lakhs)
Impact: Extensive coverage (No. of households worked in Cr) 30% of all rural HHs participated in the prog – Extensive coverage
Impact: Created employment for the rural poor (Cr Persondays (PDs) created yearly)
Most work done in lean agri months (in lakh PDs per month) Nearly 70% of work done in only in lean agri season: Jan to July
Impact: Supplementary income to the poor (in Rs per year per household) 70% of the income came during the lean agricultural seasons. High impact on reducing distress migration
High participation of SCs/STs (2014-15)
Impact: High Women Participation (%age of total persondays) Helped in increasing the total women workers in the workforce (Census 2011)
Expenditure [ Rs in Cr] 2015-16* till 26th Sept 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 Wages 14,651.95 24,212.26 26,535.38 27,153.53 Material and skilled Wages 4,283.81 9,426.68 9,693.29 10,429.98 Total Adm Expenditure 906.93 2,401.07 2,372.92 2,194.78 Total Exp 19,842.69 36,043.01 38,601.67 39,778.28 Material(%) 22.62 28.03 26.76 27.75 Managed and monitored by an end-to-end IT system Electronic Fund management system connects 10 Crore Accounts All electronic payments under MGNREGA routed through PFMS
Assets created (2011-12 to 2014-15) [No. of asset in Lakhs]
Works Details (Category wise) Sub-Category A NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Water Conservation Watershed management Irrigation Traditional water bodies Afforestation Land development B INDIVIDUAL ASSETS FOR VULNERABLE SECTIONS Improving productivity of lands Improving liveihoods through Development of fallow/waste lands Construction of house Promotion of livestock Promotion of fisheries C COMMON INFRASTRUCTURE FOR NRLM COMPLIANT SHGs Agriculture productivity Common work-sheds for livelihood activities of SHGs D RURAL INFRASTUCTURE Rural sanitation Road connectivity/Internal roads/Streets Play fields Disaster preparedness/Restoration Construction of building Food Grain storage structures Production of building material required for construction Maintenance Any other works
MGNREGA-Role of Stakeholders Wage seekers Demand employment Gram Sabha Recommend works, Conduct social audits, PRIs, specially the gram panchayat Planning of works, Registering households, Issuing Job Cards, Receiving applications for employment, allocating employment, Executing works, Maintaining records & Monitoring Programme Officer at the block level Scrutinizing the annual development plan, Including the proposals of the Intermediate Panchayat, Monitoring and supervising implementation, Disposal of complaints, Ensuring that social audits, Payment of unemployment allowance District Programme Coordinator Oversight, complete responsibility for implementation, fund utilization etc. State Government Setting of SEGC, IEC, Ensuring that dedicated personnel are in place, State share release, Training, monitoring and evaluation, Ensuring accountability and transparency, unemployment allowance Ministry of Rural Development CEGC, Ensuring timely and adequate resource support, Maintaining and operating the MIS, Assess the utilization of resources, Support innovations, Support the use of Information Technology, wages, salaries
Check list under MGNREGS for field visits to be undertaken Sr. No. Indicator Points For Examination 1. Persondays (PD) generation PD generation pace – target v/s achievement during the current year and also in comparison with the previous year 2. Timely Payment of wages Pace of FTO generation
Check list under MGNREGS for field visits to be undertaken Sr. No. Indicator Points For Examination 3. Asset Creation and implementation of State Convergence plan % of works completed for the current FY Status of pending work pertaining to earlier years Focus on creation of individual assets. Public works relating to Natural Resource Management. Construction of IHHLs under SBM. Construction of AWCs in convergence with ICDS; Works related to agriculture and allied activities to be over 60 %.
Check list under MGNREGS for field visits to be undertaken Sr. No. Indicator Points For Examination 4. State Employment Guarantee Council (SEGC) -meetings held during the FY Pl request for the current constitution order and whether the minutes of the meeting are Number of Programme Officers in the State (Minimum Norm: 1 per Block) - available in public domain. 5. Staffing position of minimum core staff. Recruitment policy for the GRS and other sub district functionaries under the scheme if any. Number of Programme Officers in the State (Minimum Norm: 1 per Block)- Are Programme Officers given exclusive charge, or are they given an additional charge- Number of Additional Programme Officers appointed in the State (if any) Contd....
Check list under MGNREGS for field visits to be undertaken Sr. No. Indicator Points For Examination 5. Number of Technical Assistants available for measuring MGNREGA work Number of Mates (Minimum Norm: 1 per 100 active job cards ) Number of Gram Rozgar Sahayaks (Minimum Norm: 1 per Gram Panchayat ) Number of Junior Engineers available for measuring MGNREGA work and the State’s norm for appointing them Number of data entry operators in the State and the norms of deputation
Check list under MGNREGS for field visits to be undertaken Sr. No. Indicator Points For Examination 6. Appointment of Ombudsmen Pl request for the list indicating the date of appointment and tenure. 7. Key entitlements of MGNREGS worker. Right to have a Job Card if willing to do unskilled manual labour, which must remain with the household at all times. Every household has a right to register to apply for work for a maximum of 100 days. For every demand for work application made, the worker has a right to get a dated receipt immediately. The worker has a right to get employment within 15 days from the date of application. Muster rolls to be made available at the worksite
Check list under MGNREGS for field visits to be undertaken Sr. No. Indicator Points For Examination 8. Organisation of Rozgar Diwas Pl request for the schedule. 9. Social Audit schedule and uploading of the reports. Does the State SAU have an independent Bank Account and financial powers delegated to it Does the State SAU have full time State Resource Persons and District Resource Persons employed What is the process by which Village Social Audit Facilitators are paid on the completion of a social audit? What is the process of submission of the Social Audit Report once prepared and read out in the Gram Sabha
Thanks !