生物主題報告 Emotional memory (the prefrontal cortex) and Phineas gage B9902016 呂賴穎 B9902049 郭育綺.


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Presentation transcript:

生物主題報告 Emotional memory (the prefrontal cortex) and Phineas gage B 呂賴穎 B 郭育綺

THINK! Is these true? Emotionally charged events are remembered better Pleasant emotions are usually remembered better than unpleasant ones Positive memories contain more contextual details (which in turn, helps memory) Strong emotion can impair memory for less emotional events and information experienced at the same time It's the emotional arousal, not the importance of the information, that helps memory

Remembering is easier when your mood matches the mood you were in when experiencing/learning the information The stronger the emotions aroused, the greater the effect on memory Emotions can be evoked, or minimized, by displaying or suppressing expressions of emotion Different emotional states may impair or help memory, for different memory tasks

What is emotional memory? What's emotion got to do with memory? Stress and survival

Brain regions involved in the emotion- memory interaction The relationship between emotion and attention How do emotions affect memory? Age and gender differences

There are three possible ways to define the prefrontal cortex: 1.as the granular frontal cortex 2.as the projection zone of the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus 海馬迴 杏仁核 腦下 垂體 嗅球 中膈 腦穹 邊緣系統 (Limbic system)

Phineas Gage

˙ A large iron rod was driven completely through his head, destroying much of his brain's left frontal lobe. ˙the first case suggesting that damage to specific regions of the brain might affect personality and behavior. ˙“No longer Gage” ˙The importance of this case

How the accident happened? ☆ The iron entered on the side of his face, passing back of the left eye, and out at the top of the head. ☆ crowbar causes blood and brain seriously harm. walked with little or no assistance, and sat upright in a cart for the 3/4-mile ride to his lodgings in town. ☆ Very conscious, finally exhausted from the hemorrhage( 出血 ).

A C Enter cranium( 頭蓋骨 )>>passing through the anterior left lobe of the cerebrum( 大 腦 )>>exit in medial line Damage condition

受傷區域對照 解決問題, 情緒, 複雜 性的思考 掌管語言的理解掌管語言的產生與 咬字的清晰程度 前額葉皮質區並不發 達或有所損傷的話, 行為就會像小孩子一 樣,無法控制自己的 情緒

Brain damage and mental change This case influenced Phrenology and modern neuropsychology No autopsy Damage to the prefrontal cortex does not disrupt the basic function of sensory, memory or emotional systems; it disrupts a person's ability to synthesize these systems and produce organized social behavior.