09:00 – 09:20 09:20 – 09:30 09:30 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:45 10:45 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 13:00 13:00 – 14:00 14:00 – 15:00 15:00 – 15:45 15:45 – 16:15 16:15 – 17:30 17:30 Day 2 Shelter Meeting 08a is hosted by UN/OCHA Shelter Centre, CARE, NRC, UNHCR, IFRC & UN/OCHA ESC NFI Standards project
Shelter Meeting 08a is hosted by UN/OCHA Shelter Centre was asked by the Emergency Shelter Cluster (ESC) to support standard setting and climatic design Shelter Centre is leading the development Current partners include CARE International, NRC, UNHCR, IFRC and UN/OCHA Project overview
Shelter Meeting 08a is hosted by UN/OCHA An interim report was recently distributed to project members, outlining the progress made by project partners so far, and outlining the work to be undertaken in the coming months Project overview: Interim report The progress made by project partners is outlined on the following slides
Shelter Meeting 08a is hosted by UN/OCHA Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has derived a series of Emergency Shelter Cluster Standards for major shelter NFIs from existing agency specifications, by listing all specifications in a matrix, finding commonalities and developing a range Blanket specification from Agency 1 Blanket specification from Agency 2 Blanket specification from Agency 3 ESC STANDARD FOR BLANKETS Standards setting for most common NFIs
Shelter Meeting 08a is hosted by UN/OCHA CARE International has derived a series of ESC shelter NFI kits by researching how NFI kits are combined and distributed, and defining a series of core shelter NFI distribution packages NFI kits
Shelter Meeting 08a is hosted by UN/OCHA As well as leading the project, Shelter Centre has drafted a preliminary table of contents for the supporting guidance on climatic variations Shelter Centre is consulting with the WASH cluster and other major agencies involved with NFIs in order to maximise impact and prevent duplication Climatic guidance for NFI distributions
Shelter Meeting 08a is hosted by UN/OCHA Part ICommon emergency shelter and Non-Food Items standards Chapter 1Specifying and distributing household and shelter Non- Food Items 1.1Assessing needs for NFIs 1.2Procurement 1.3Distribution Chapter 2Listing of currently available catalogues Chapter 3 Listing of currently available shelter stockpiles Chapter 4Listing of Non-Food Items 4.1Household NFIs 4.2Shelter NFIs Chapter 5Shelter kits and packages 5.1Commonly used shelter kits 5.2Commonly used shelter packages Preliminary draft contents for guidelines Part II Guidelines for climatic variations Chapter 6Cultural and climatic conditions 6.1Climatic considerations when selecting NFIs 6.2Climatic considerations when composing and integrating kits
Shelter Meeting 08a is hosted by UN/OCHA What other considerations should be included in the guidelines? Questions for the breakout group What should be included in shelter NFI kits? Which other stakeholders should be consulted? Put the feedback forms in the box, or return them to a volunteer! or