Weather, Weather Maps and Forecasting
Weather Weather: The daily conditions of a particular area: temp, rain, pressure, wind, etc. Climate: the measure of weather over a very long period of time—at least 100 years Meteorology- the science of studying weather
Weather Forecasting Technology Psychrometer An instrument used for measuring the water vapor content of the atmosphere; a type of hygrometer.
Weather Instruments Anemometer Thermometer Doppler Radar Wind Sock Barometer Weather Satellite
Weather Map A weather map can show many different things. Temperature High Pressure (clear) Low Pressure (cloudy) Isobars Rain/Snow Fog Warm Front Cold Front Severe Weather- Hurricanes
ISOBARS- Certain weather maps allow us to view High and Low pressure systems that control the weather. An isobar is a line connecting locations of equal barometric pressure. Isobar maps show where pressures are relatively high and low, and show us where pressure changes are gradual or dramatic over a distance.
Weather Map Symbols High Pressure Cold Front Clear Weather Warm Front Low Pressure Cloudy Weather Occluded Front Isobars: Show equal Lines of Pressure. Stationary Front
Station Model All over the United States, hundreds of weather observations are taken several times during the day. Meteorologists need a way to get all of this detailed information into the smallest area possible on a weather map, so that several stations can be plotted for the same observation time on the same map, thus giving a ‘big picture’ of what the weather is doing at a snapshot in time. Thus, the need for the station model.
Station Model
Station Models Click Below to see the different type of symbols used on a station model.
National Weather Service (NWS) From the NWS website you can view any kind of weather related information. You can even see river stages and air quality.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NOAA collects and analyzes weather data.