Mario C. Raviglione, M.D. Director, Stop TB Department WHO, Geneva, Switzerland TB prevention, care and control, : Framing global and WHO strategic priorities Stop TB Symposium "Addressing poverty through quality TB control and research" 3 December 2009, Cancun, Mexico Stop TB Symposium "Addressing poverty through quality TB control and research" 3 December 2009, Cancun, Mexico
Achievements by DOTS/Stop TB Strategy: million cases treated 2.36 million cured 3.Up to 8 million deaths averted compared to non-DOTS treatment 4.Case fatality rate halved (from 7.6% to 4%) 5.Treatment success rate at its highest ever (87% in 2007)
Innovative action needed in 4 spheres: "Moving beyond the TB box" TB control sphere Development sphere Research sphere Health system sphere This is not enough
Global & WHO strategic priorities TB sphere Supporting NTPs in coherent pursuit of Stop TB Strategy Supporting all partners in TB and MDR- TB prevention, care and control; TB advocacy; TB monitoring & evaluation Emphasizing early and active case detection to stop transmission Health system sphere Eliminating financial barriers Overcoming human resources crisis Laboratory strengthening Drug quality and rational use TB/HIV service integration & PAL Infection control Improving governance, management and responsiveness Development sphere Social protection; housing & urban planning; nutrition/food security; migration; labour Refugees; crises response Human Rights agenda Poverty reduction strategies Research sphere Facilitate TB Research Movement Advocate for growth in basic research, R&D and operational research