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Geographer Geographers research the earth’s surface. Specifically its climate, topography and population. They study the effects of the earth from human activities.
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Geographer Tools Many geographers use information from our orbiting satellites, and an old fashion compass and magnifying glass. Many of today's geographers specialize in map making.
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ITT Institute The ITT Institute has over 130 locations in more than 30 states. It is a leading private college, and is great place for geography. |top %20collegeshttp://www2.itt- |top %20colleges
Archeologist An archeologist studies past people and interprets past cultures. They study what people have gone through, and identify objects that they find while searching the earth’s surface.
Archeology Tools & Equipment
Colorado Technical University CTU is rated as the 4 th best school with programs for archeology. The school offers many specialized courses in order to meet your goals, and get an archeology degree. Colorado_Branded_-_Exact_-_Exp+colorado-Technical- University+Exact&gclid=COezlqywr6sCFRBT7AodglZiLQ