Leading Learning Forward Teaching School Alliance Briefing for Schools Thursday 14 November 2013
Briefing led by… Tracy Millard Headteacher of St Hugh’s Communication & Interaction Specialist College National Teaching School Sandra Simmons Principal Officer (Education) for North Lincolnshire Local Authority Teaching School Alliance Lead Strategic Partner
A teaching school is: an outstanding school that has a strong track record of collaborative working designated by DfE to play a key role in the leadership of a teaching school alliance. Given the role of leading the training and professional development of teachers, support staff and headteachers as well as contributing to the raising of standards through school-to-school support. Teaching schools will: bring together provision for training and development from initial teacher training (ITT) through to headship under a single school designation. What is a teaching school?
What is a teaching school alliance? An alliance is: a group of schools and other partners that commit to working collaboratively, supported by one or more teaching schools. It includes: all those schools that benefit from the alliance by receiving support, as well as teaching schools and strategic partners that offer support.
Who can join an alliance? Alliances may be cross phase and cross sector, work across local authorities and may include different types of organisations. As specialist leaders of education (SLEs) can come from any school, DfE anticipate that over time most schools will be receiving and offering support to an alliance in one form or another.specialist leaders of education (SLEs)
Teaching schools and teaching school alliances
What is our vision for the alliance? We aim to drive significant improvement in the quality of professional practice, improving the attainment of every child by: Leading the professional learning and development of teachers, support staff and leaders… Educating and engaging teachers, support staff and leaders… Achieving excellent levels of progress, attainment, professional learning and talent development… Delivering inspirational, sustainable training and support…
What are our immediate priorities? Gaining the commitment and support of school leaders across all phases and sectors Establishing rigorous quality assurance processes and protocols Developing a website to promote our offer Marketing and running quality CPD events, leadership courses and learning opportunities Appointing the first cohort of SLEs
From January 2014 … Initial Teacher Training: 25 school direct places guaranteed for CPD: programme of events will be delivered Leadership: NPQML & NPQH modules and courses will be offered School-to-School Support: a team of trained Specialist Leaders of Education in place Governance: accountability through 8 National Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
In addition… Bidding for research and development funds: £10,000 grant to support the implementation of the new National Curriculum in primary schools Other development opportunities to follow.
So… work with us to make a difference to the development of every child and member of staff in your school