Sources and Nature of the Constitution :2 The Rule of Law Historical Context. Prohibitions del Roy (1607) Case of Proclamations (1611) (note Coke CJ’s fate) Crystallisation by Dicey
Sources and Nature of the Constitution :2 Dicey based his concept of the rule of law on THREE ideals. (1) Government According to the Law Entick v. Carrington (1765) C.f. : R v. IRC ex p Rossminster [1980] AC 952 R v. Horseferry Rd Magistrates ex p Bennett [1994] AC 42
Sources and Nature of the Constitution :2 (2) Equality Before the Law Parliamentary Privilege? Diplomatic Immunity? Crown Immunity?
Sources and Nature of the Constitution :2 (3) The Judiciary Are the Best Guardians of the Subjects’ Rights. Is this realistic? Does the relevant case-law support this?? Note cases about foreign detainees.
Sources and Nature of the Constitution :2 Dicey’s theory was updated and modified by Raz. (See ( Law Quarterly Review 195) Three important points arise from this contribution to the debate. (1) Laws should be Clear Merkur Island Shipping Corp. v. Laughton and ors [1983] 2 AC 570
Sources and Nature of the Constitution :2 (2) Laws Should be Prospective War Crimes Act 1991 Reforms to ‘Double Jeopardy.’ Article 7 European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
Sources and Nature of the Constitution :2 (3) Judicial Independence is Vital In re M [1993] 2 WLR 433 Matrix Churchill Starrs v. Procurator Fiscal (2000) HRLR 191
Sources and Nature of the Constitution :2 The Separation of Powers The UK has a Tripartite System Executive Legislature Judiciary
Sources and Nature of the Constitution :2 The doctrine itself Montesquieu The Lord Chancellor (McGonnell v. United Kingdom (2000)) Overlap of Personnel between Executive and Legislature.
Sources and Nature of the Constitution :2 Topic Summary and Conclusions.