Pick a totally one-of-a-kind experience!
Everyday things that happen just about the same way to everybody You’d tell anybody about this Boring to read because they are too predictable
“It was Christmas morning and we were about to open our presents… then we start opening our presents… it takes a long time… then we go to my mom’s house… we eat and then we all start opening presents…”
More personal You’d probably tell only your group of friends about More interesting to read; not too predictable
Very personal You might write this in a journal or talk about only to your best friend Interesting because it takes courage to write it
“As tears swam down my face, Amazing Grace was playing in my head. I watched in agony as my baby calf, Coffee, was lowered into the ground. My brother stood beside me with his hand on my shoulder telling me to be strong.”
Things that happen in your life that you probably never talk about, don’t want to think about, and will possibly never write a word about in your life
Birthday party Riding a bike for first time Good/bad grades Sport tryouts Giving up on trying to learn something Someone wanting to fight you Helping a stranger Death of a pet Too personal to write about in school! Brother/sister moving out in anger Death of a parent/sibling Parents fighting around you Find out about divorce
Someone who made a difference in your life Something important you lost A time that someone hurt you, or you hurt someone Something unexpected that happened An important memory A favorite memory Something you’ll never forget