5 th tranche UN Development Account project UNECE and UNESCAP Capacity-Building for Trade Facilitation in Support of Trade Integration in Central Asia Mario Apostolov, Regional Adviser, UNECE Trade
Logic of the project (1)Strengthen regional cooperation (2)Build networks (a) Project Working Group and (b) public-private cooperation (3)Build the foundation for pilot projects (4)Project = “seed money” -> we suggest topics, standards and tools for national and rtegional projects (AZ, KZ, KG, TJ, UZ) and donor financed projects (GTZ, USAID, ADB)
UN Development Account project in trade facilitation in Central Asia – results: 1. Two networks Working Group on trade (decision makers) – 4 sessions Public-private and interagency cooperation (formal and informal + conference in Almaty + contacts in all forms of activities under the project) 2. New capacity created – seminars, trainings, etc.
UNDA project 2: Capacity-building results: Trainings, seminars and conferences on: 1.Seminar on Integrated approach to trade facilitation (Almaty, June 07) all 7 countries and donors (GTZ, USAID, ADB) – started projects on national trade facilitation bodies (KG, TJ), the Single Window (KG, TJ), international standards. This seminar organized together with first public-private mechaisms meeting 2.Second seminar on Single Window (Baku, May 2008) : Another series of national seminars and projects in Kyrgyzstan (1) and Uzbekistan (4) plus training in Sweden on the Single Window
FROMTO Mountains of paper 30% mistakes Weeks for clearance Customs, export, import, etc. processes together Many documents filed together Appr. 1 hour for clearance Rec. 33: The Single Window Concept PORT AUTHORITY CUSTOMS CONSIGNOR PORT HEALTH CARRIER HAULIERWHARFINGER CUSTOMS BROKER LINE AGENT CONSIGNEE Single Window
Two directions of work in building a Single Window Policy work Building political will Interagency management group Draft concept paper and a feasibility study Appoint a lead organization (e.g. Customs) Harmonize policy (~80% of the work - negotiations) Technical work Interagency technical group Data harmonization Developing a SW system Alignment with international standards (~20% technical work)
MASTER PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTING A SINGLE WINDOW STEP-BY-STEP (Rec.33) 1.Business can make a well argumented request 2.Create interagency groups: 1.of decision-makers 2.of technical specialists 3.Develop a Single Window Concept 4.Build political will 5.Feasibility study / Analysis of purpose 6.Selection of a lead agency / implementing agency 7.Draft a Work Plan 8.Creating the technical system: data harmonizat°, start step-by-step: e.g. licenses
Seminar 2: Single Window Definition: a system that allows all participants in trade and transport file requested information in only one place, in a standard format, in order to carry out import, export and transit operations. Seminar 3: electronic trade documents (Bishkek, Oct. 2008): - Training: how to create electronic trade documents; - Study visit to the Manas Airport (electronic declaration) - Started a pilot project on establishing a « forms repository » - introduce it in all countries in the region! Key TF issue in WTO
Forms repository: gather all document forms in one place only: “Formular Server”
Seminar 4: Trade Facilitation at the Border (Dushanbe, May 2009): - How to move the process of inspecting documents and trade information further from the border-crossings, in order to avoid congestion; - Study visit to the border between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan (Tursunzade) – describing the process
Border Border police Customs Veterinary Phytosanitary Financial control Road agency Environment
Customs Phytosanitary Control Veterinary Control Veterinary Control Transport Inspection Sanitary Control Border Service
International cooperation Border Service Border Service Customs Inspection Services Inspection Services
Network II: national mechanisms for trade and transport facilitation (Rec. 4) and the Single Window: conferencia in Almaty, Oct Public-private partnership for trade facilitation Forum to discuss problems and possible solutions Cooperation and projects with international organizations (UNECE, WTO, UNCTAD, WB) and aid agencies (GTZ, WB, USAID, ADB) On the Single Window – the key interest. The Recommendations from the seminar have already been discussed at the Prime Minister’s office. To follow…
How to bridge gaps in interests? State agencies Business Ministries of trade, transport, etc. Customs, Police, etc. Big companies and associations in various sectors Exporters, importers, freight forwarders, software companies banks, SMEs etc. Stress on the function
How to bridge gaps in interests? State agencies Business Ministries of trade, transport, etc. Customs, Police, etc. Big companies and associations in various sectors Exporters, importers, freight forwarders, software companies banks, SMEs etc. Stress on the function
Electronic Corridors and the Eurasian trade links
Thanks! &