International Engagement Program of the Australian Bureau of Statistics PARIS21/UNESCAP Forum on Strategic Planning for Statistics in South-East Asian.


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Presentation transcript:

International Engagement Program of the Australian Bureau of Statistics PARIS21/UNESCAP Forum on Strategic Planning for Statistics in South-East Asian Countries – Bangkok, June 2006 Geoff Neideck Director, Corporate Planning Australian Bureau of Statistics

ABS and International Engagement ABS' international activities include:  participation in international statistical meetings, conferences, seminars and working groups  bilateral exchange and cooperation with statistical agencies of developed countries  provision of data to international agencies  assistance to build statistical capacity in developing countries in our region

Why ABS Participates in the International Arena ABS participates internationally:  to assist in developing the capacity of national statistical offices in developing countries that will result in long term benefits to the statisticians in the recipient countries  to develop international statistical standards and approaches  to contribute to advancing methodological thinking  to strengthen Australia's statistics while improving their international comparability

ABS Technical Assistance ABS technical assistance comprises 4 main categories:  ABS staff providing training and support - often such engagement forms part of a longer term program  ABS staff contributing to workshops or seminars arranged by international organisations  staff from other countries visiting the ABS for study tours or training  providing documentation on ABS practices

ABS Technical Assistance Cont'd Regions where technical assistance is delivered:  Australia's aid program, sponsored through AusAID, is concentrated in South-East Asia, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Island countries, with selective engagement in South Africa, Africa and the Middle East  consistent with these priorities, the ABS gives priority in its technical assistance effort to the South Pacific and South-East Asian countries.  provision of training and support "in country" is required to be funded on a cost recovery basis - typical sources of funding include AusAID, SIAP, UN Agencies, etc

Examples: Timor L'Este Population census – the first since independence Assistance provided, mainly with UNFPA funding, on:  a quality advisor to review the preparations and the proposed plans and strategies, including:  questionnaire design  assistance with field and enumeration phase

Consumer Price Index (CPI) Assistance provided, with funding from USAID, on:  an effective collection and compilation system  a CPI data release model (complying with international standards)  a detailed program overview Timor L'Este

Vanuatu Institutional Strengthening Program Assistance provided, with funding from AusAID, on:  corporate governance  advice on legislation  Future assistance will include:  development of a Forward Work Program  IT governance strategy

Thailand Strengthening of Macro-economic Statistics AusAID funded assistance provided, included:  implementation of SNA 1993  non-profit institutions, new economy, common statistical frame, construction and capital expenditure surveys  national balance sheets, supply/use and input/output tables  export, import, new house, and service industries price indexes  government finance statistics