Alison B Strang Refugees’ experiences of integration in Scotland
‘integration is a chaotic concept: a word used by many but understood differently by most’ (Robinson 1998)
Mixing/TolerationFriendlinessBelonging SafetyTime AdviceLanguage HousingEmploymentEducationHealthLeisure
Key domains of integration (Ager & Strang, 2008) EmploymentHousingEducation Health BondsBridges Links Language & Cultural Knowledge Security & Stability Rights & Citizenship Markers & Means Social Connection Facilitators Foundation
Key domains of integration (Ager & Strang, 2008) EmploymentHousingEducation Health BondsBridges Links Language & Cultural Knowledge Security & Stability Rights & Citizenship Markers & Means Social Connection Facilitators Foundation
Understanding integration: a conceptual framework. Alastair Ager & Alison Strang Journal of Refugee Studies, 21,2., pp
Data Holistic Integration Service Partnership project April 2013 to present Year two – 882 refugees Joint Client Database - integrating data gathering into advice giving. Learning Project Learning team Community of Practice Learning Network
“Sarah’s financial situation has been much worse since the grant of status due to ongoing problems with child benefit and child tax credit claims…she has run out of money and has no electricity in the flat, she is relying on food banks for assistance…” Adviser casenotes Financial stability
Life projects - housing “Ahmed…wants to take his time [choosing a home] as he views having a good home as the basis to starting a good life.” Adviser casenotes
Life projects - language “My family are relying on me – I can’t support them without English” “If you can learn English you can gain money” “If you go to a hospital appointment, you get embarrassed if you can’t explain your own medical problems” “You don’t make Scottish friends if you don’t have English” Focus Group Participants
Life projects - employment “I don’t want to feel a foreigner…just a normal citizen. Any job will do, I want to manage for myself like British people do.” Focus Group Participant
Life projects - employment “…if I had a job, I would move to get a job in any place… I know I will get a job in Birmingham or Manchester, I am sure. But I will find many problems like flat very expensive … until now I may hope to continue in Scotland…” Service beneficiary 3