Environmental management course content
What is Enviromental Management? Satu Harkki ??
Environmental Management Take into account the environmental imapacts Minimize the company´s products and services environmental impacts. – Minimaize also to company´s customer enrivomental impacts. Management of the functios as well leading the people Long term management Can be – Strategic, operative and product/service specific Satu Harkki
Environmental Management Environmental management system Vison ja strategy Less raw material, emissions and costs /LCA and Carbon Footprint Green label products/services or own Green label New product /service innovations Service instead of the prodcut Targets, monitoring, corretive actions Green products and services Satu Harkki
Levels of Enviromental Management Top Level – Top Level management is commited to enviromental issues in strategy Misson, vison and strategy include enviromental statements – Enviromental Manament systems (like ) Tool to help to management environmental issues at the company level. Continious improvement – Product strategy includes Green Products Satu Harkki
Business Environmental Analysis and Bulding the Green Company Satu Harkki
Green Company Customers´ needs and requirements? Laws and rules? Nature Competitor 3 Competitor 2 Competitor 1 Two- Way impacts Today and Future
Business Environment Analysis Two-Way impact Existing and future business enviroment affect the company when building the Green Company Company´s operations have an influence to business environment Business Environment: – Markets: customers and competitors – Nature – Legislation Satu Harkki
Nature –Two Way affect Changes in the nature affect companies operations. Operations of the companies affect nature (=environmental impacts) Example Climate Change
Legislations Sustainable company observe the requirements of the legislation Enviromental legislation is developing fast – For instance. EU legislations Companies must take into account reguirements in advance Satu Harkki Laws and Rules
Customers´needs and requirements Consumers and company customers: more aware of environmental matters – More requirements for suppliers For Instance Tesco Also supply creates demand! Satu Harkki
Competitors Frequent competitor analysis Decision: to be ahead of or follow the competitors Competitor 3 Competitor 2 Competitor 1