CLRTAP National Air Emission Inventory 2013 General Directorate for Environmental Management Climate Change and Air Management Department 15 th May 2013, TFEIP Meetin, İstanbul
Starting Point Project Support Existing Situation Improvement Plans Content
Ratification ; Convention on 27/3/1983 EMEP Protocol on 23/7/1985 transboundary effects Convention and Protocols
Turkey is a member of; EEA and EIONET Network from 2003 seperate division under DG EIA environmental information multi-instutitonal responsibility EEA and EIONET
EIONET Obligations, TR
Motivation and Starting Point
Improving Emissions Control EU Project aims to transpose National Emission Ceilings Directive TA Component ( March November 2012) PM Group, AEA, TNO Russell Frost, Peter Newman, Chris Dore Inventory, Cost Benefit Analysis, Regulatory Impact Assesment TW Component (May 2011-July 2013) Austria Environment Agency, Finland SYKE RTA; Dietmar Koch Draft Legislation, Trainings and Guidelines, Strategic Action Plan Cooperation with TNO, IIASA, CEIP Project Support
LRTAP Submissions; 2012 and 2013
2012 NFR was TA project output IIR was prepared by MoEU with TW support 2013 NFR and IIR was prepared by MoEU with TW support Improvement of datasets LRTAP Submissions; 2012 and 2013
1.Improvement of Air Pollution Emission Management System Project National funded ( TUBITAK) Universities; İTÜ AYBE, Bahçeşehir, Private Sector; Alper Unal (İTÜ) project leader GIS and web-based emission inventory database National Emission Factors ( residential heating, transport,industry) IMPROVEMENT PLANS
2. Air Emissions Coordination Board was established in December Data flow with all stakeholders Working groups on specific issues 3. CC and Air Man. Dep. Structure IMPROVEMENT PLANS
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