9/26/20121 SLP Advisory Committee
11/29/20152 Purpose The purpose for Region 4 sponsored advisory committees is to receive current national, state, regional, and local information on issues related to student evaluation, identify trends and issues affecting your district/campus, provide feedback on services, and network with other professionals.
11/29/20153 Membership Advisory members employed by their Local Education Agencies (LEA) are designated by their Superintendent or Special Education Director LEA’s are represented by one staff member with experience in the assigned advisory focus and purpose for speech and related services.
Due to limited space and resources availability, we ask that only the designated representative from the district or charter attend these meetings. 11/29/20154
Responsibilities of Advisory Members Provide recommendations and suggestions to Region 4 ESC staff regarding best practices in delivering special education services and providing professional development Assist in facilitation of advisory committee projects and services 11/29/20155
Responsibilities of Advisory Members Attend scheduled meetings throughout the year. Share information with others in their LEAs and colleagues in other surrounding LEAs/regions. Provide support to Region 4 ESC staff in establishing linkages to educational resources, child serving agencies, and community organizations. 11/29/20156
Should you have any questions about our advisories in general, please contact Kirk Behnke, Senior Education Specialist at 11/29/20157
Region 4 Services Technical Assistance Customized Services Professional development Partner with districts to provide training Create products to meet the needs of the customer 11/29/20158
Advisory Meetings DateTimeSession 2/6/20139:00 – 4: /17/20139:00 – 4: /29/20159
WIKI Access the materials presented at the SLP Advisory meetings at: R4SLPAdvisory /29/201510
11/29/ Legal Updates
ECI Information 11/29/201512
11/29/ Introductions
Announcements 11/29/201514
Round Table Discussions Needs Assessment Standards Based IEPs Full & Individual Evaluations (FIE) 11/29/201515