如何學好高中英文 -- 由幾個例子談起 國立屏東女中 英文老師 詹莉莉. 試指出下列畫底線部份字的意思 1. Why is a river so rich? That’s because a river has two banks. 2. Since no one wants to answer the.


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Presentation transcript:

如何學好高中英文 -- 由幾個例子談起 國立屏東女中 英文老師 詹莉莉

試指出下列畫底線部份字的意思 1. Why is a river so rich? That’s because a river has two banks. 2. Since no one wants to answer the question, we cannot help but draw lots. 3. A : I’d like to book a table for two for 8 o’clock. B : I’m sorry. We’re fully booked.

我夢想一個沒有考試的學校 ( 那一句是對的 ) (A) I dream a school without tests. (B) I dream of a school where there is no tests. (C) I dream of a school where is no tests.

這個學校使我想起我媽媽 (A) The school lets me think of my mother. (B) The school makes me remember my mother. (C) The school reminds me of my mother.

一. 如何學單字 1. 詞性 A. 動詞 ( 及物、不及物、授與動詞、不完 全及物、不完全不及物 ) * I like to listen ____ music. * The movie made me (cry , sad , exited) * He looks (cold, coldly). B. 名詞 ( 可數、不可數 ) * No news _____ good news. * We Chinese are ____ peace-loving people.

2. 用法 * 他出事了 ( 選正確的句子 ) He happened something. Something happened to him. Something is happened to him 試翻譯下列句子 * I happened to meet my elementary school teacher in Japan this summer.

再談字的用法 (sit, seat) 請坐下。 ________ down, please. Please be ________. Please have a ________. ________ yourself, please.

3. 詞類變化 (please, pleased, pleasant, pleasure) 1. You can’t ______ everybody. 2. I am ______ to hear you’ve been admitted to PTGSH. 3. PTGSH is a ________ environment to study in. 4. It gives me great _______ to introduce our school for you.

為什麼要學文法? Their sad experience had taught them to realize the inner light, not the reflected light, which shines in every home worthy of the name and makes it one of the brightest and dearest spots on earth, a refuge, a joy, a hope, and forever a happiness.

下列句子何者正確? 1. When will you come? 2. When did you come? 3. When has you come? 4. I will arrive at I arrived 2 hours ago. 6. I have arrived for 2 hours. 7. I don’t know when he comes. 8. I don’t know when he will come. 9. When he will come, give me a call. 10. When he comes, give me a call.

如何磨利你的耳朵 The only way to sharpen your ears is to listen to the English program every day for at least 30 minutes.

聽力練習 Beginner Life ABC Let’s Talk English 4U Basic Studio Classroom Landmark

屏女增進英文能力的活動 1. Speaking passport. (monthly) 2. Reading passport. (monthly) 3. Listening Test. (weekly) 4. Sunlight (yearly) 5. Vocabulary Test (bi-yearly)

Motto Practice makes perfect. Attitude determines altitude. Genius is 1 % inspiration and 99 % perspiration.