The Bellbird Primary School The aims of our school are; Be yourself Express yourself Enjoy yourself Challenge yourself Work for each other Look after yourself.


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Presentation transcript:

The Bellbird Primary School The aims of our school are; Be yourself Express yourself Enjoy yourself Challenge yourself Work for each other Look after yourself Learn for Life Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years Statutory guidance for organisations who work with and support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities

Information sharing/CPD Identification Planning and provision Responsibilities SENCO Person Centred Approaches EHC plans Personal budgets Local Offer SEN Information report SEN COP 2014

Identification ‘Identification of SEN should be built into the overall approach to monitoring the progress and development of all pupils’ Ofsted (2014) Subsidiary guidance. London: Ofsted Para. 55

SEN Support……. Before identifying a child as needing SEN Support, the class teacher, working with the SENCO, should establish a clear analysis of the pupil’s needs. This should draw on:

The teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil Pupil progress, attainment, and behaviour. Child’s development in comparison to their peers The views and experience of parents, The child’s own views If relevant, advice from external support services. Schools should take seriously any concerns raised by a parent.

Whilst there is no international or national criteria set for the definition of a special educational need The Code of Practice states: A young person has a learning difficulty or disability if they: have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. What are we looking for?

Important!!! Slow progress and low attainment do not necessarily mean the child has SEN…..the class or subject teacher working with the SENCO should assess whether the child has SEN.’ SEND COP 0-25 (2014)

SEN support in schools Where a pupil is identified as having SEN, schools should take action to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place. This is a four part cycle and by revisiting, refining and revising, a Graduated Approach is used to secure good outcomes. Asses s Pla n Do Revie w

Personal Budgets ‘A personal budget is an amount of money identified by the local authority to deliver provision set out in an EHC plan where the parent or young person is involved in securing that provision.’ SEND COP (2014) Parents and young people have a right to request a Personal Budget once an EHC plan has been confirmed or at a statutory review of an EHC plan. Personal Budgets can include funding for special education, health and social care provision, and are designed to secure the outcomes specified within the EHC plan.

Local Offer and SEN Information ‘Schools must co-operate with the LA on the local offer, so any reasonable request to contribute must be followed. Also, schools must publish the required SEN Information. If it follows the requirements, then it will be very close to what the LA will be seeking for the local offer.’ ‘Schools must publish information on their website about the governing body’s or proprietor's policy for pupils with SEN. SEN and Disability Professional Adviser DfE

Schools need to create a forum for “stakeholders” to contribute their perspectives and thoughts about the school’s SEND Information Report. This could include...

The Bellbird Primary School If you would like to know more about the Special Educational provision available at The Bellbird then please speak with Mrs Corrall, Mrs Darrell or Mrs Martin our Inclusion Leader. We would be delighted to meet with you.