A Fresh Perspective on Social Care Carers Stories Provided by WIRED Adult and Young Carers Services Warrington and Healthwatch Warrington Helen Speed Director.


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Presentation transcript:

A Fresh Perspective on Social Care Carers Stories Provided by WIRED Adult and Young Carers Services Warrington and Healthwatch Warrington Helen Speed Director Healthwatch Warrington

A carer is someone who, without payment, helps or supports a relative, child, neighbour or friend who because of illness, disability, frailty or addiction, is unable to manage alone. Wired is an independent organisation commissioned to deliver a Carers Service in Warrington. As well as offering drop ins, advice, training, signposting, and more, Wired provide information and news in quarterly newsletters and online. Who are WIRED Adult and Young Carers Services?

Some people need extra care or support - practical or emotional - to lead an active life and do the everyday things that many of us take for granted. Social care is defined as those services that give this extra support e.g. personal care, protection or support services. Though Healthwatch locally and nationally work to gather views of those receiving health and social care, we often find that we hear a lot about health care and NHS services but we hear very little about social care experiences. What Do We Know About Social Care?

Carers Story: Simon & Alison Alison is elderly and frail. She lives in her own home and has mobility problems due to arthritis and other health issues. She is supported to live at home by her son, Simon. Simon was claiming Job Seekers Allowance and looks after Alison on a daily basis. He shops for her, cleans, prepares meals, accompanies her to appointments and more. Simon has depression and does not look after himself very well.

Carers Story: Simon & Alison WIRED spoke to Simon about help and options available to support him, especially until his benefits were reinstated. The team worked to help him access a number of services including; Access to Social Care Team (ASC) CAB Mental Health Assessment Team/IAPTS Food Bank WIRED

Carers Story: Simon & Alison Simon is now receiving carers allowance, while his mum, Alison, has got a new care package in place and equipment at home. Simon has been attending the local gym and feels much better physically and mentally. He says he feels much happier now and is coping very well with his caring role. Simon’s mood and appearance have improved significantly, and he seems more confident.

Carers Story: Amy & Stephen Amy is in her 60s, and lives in Warrington. She supports her 40 year old son Stephen, to live at home in Wigan. Stephen has learning difficulties and complex needs. He is currently living alone, with some social care support several times a week. Amy has supported Stephen, with limited support from services, for his entire life.

Carers Story: Amy & Stephen Healthwatch Warrington met with Amy and spoke about help and options available to help her and Stephen. We worked to help her access support from; WIRED Warrington’s Specialist Learning Disability Team at 5 Boroughs Partnership Local mental health and wellbeing services

Carers Story: Amy & Stephen Amy is now accessing support from WIRED, and is attending regular drop in sessions to speak to other carers and share experiences. She has ongoing conversations with Stephen’s home care provider, to address issues throughout his care and to raise any concerns she may have. She says she is much happier and feels she is coping better with her role as Stephen’s carer.

Carers Story: Sandra & Ken Sandra is a middle aged lady, and is a carer for her elderly dad, Ken. Ken has been supported by agency carers for over 10 years and Sandra (and her dad) have been very happy with the service they have received. Ken has now been given a new carer but Sandra feels the new carer is not supporting Ken enough. Mis- management of his care and medications is causing her to worry about his safety.

Carers Story: Sandra & Ken Healthwatch Warrington met with Sandra and spoke about assistance, safeguarding and support options available to help her and Ken. We worked to help her access support from; WBC Safeguarding Team WIRED Access to Social Care Team (ASC) Healthwatch England and CAB (Social Care Complaints advice)

Carers Story: Sandra & Ken Sandra is now accessing support from WIRED, and has discussed her concerns with the social care team. Sandra has attended a team meeting with the ASC team and the agency, to agree on a way forward together. The agency carer has been changed, and any the carer’s training needs will be supported by the care agency.

Don’t Forget… Healthwatch Warrington have launched a NEW ‘Trip Advisor-style’ feedback centre on our website Have your say ANYTIME online on: Hospitals Community Services Pharmacies Dentists Opticians Emergency Care GPs Social Care

If you would like to join any of our Key Projects or would like to share experiences, positive stories, or issues about social care, we’d love to hear from you! You can get in touch at; The Gateway Sankey Street Warrington WA1 1SR Tel: Website: