Managing Difficult to Control Tarnished Plant Bugs Jeff Gore – USDA-ARS, Stoneville.


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Presentation transcript:

Managing Difficult to Control Tarnished Plant Bugs Jeff Gore – USDA-ARS, Stoneville

Overview Sources of Infestations Area-wide Management Variety Selection Spray Intervals and Rotations Insecticides and Coverage

Tarnished Plant Bug Control: Mississippi No. Applications

Tarnished Plant Bug Control Mid-South States – 102 Tests Orthene and Bidrin Maximum Percent Control Data adapted from Arthropod Management Tests

Acephate Resistance Survey Mean LC50 Did not lose resistance during the winter

Examples of early-spring broadleaf hosts of tarnished plant bug Buttercup Evening Primrose Butterweed Annual Fleabane Sourdock VetchCrimson CloverCutleaf Primrose

Area-wide Plant Bug Management One herbicide application from late-Feb. through March.

Area-Wide Plant Bug Control Delta Week in June No. per 100 sweeps Week in July

Area-Wide Plant Bug Control Hills Sample Date No. per 100 sweeps

Economic Benefit Dollars per Acre

Plant Bugs in DP 444 vs 555 Nymph per 6 ft.

Nectariless Cotton Bailey et al Yield

Foliar Plant Bug Control Percent Control

Plant Bug Control With Experimentals Percent Control

Insecticide Application Intervals Percent Nymphs/6 ft. Pre-treatment 4 DAT with Orthene (0.5 lb)

Insecticide Rotations Nymphs/6 ft. Pre-treatment 4 DAT with Orthene (0.5 lb)

Insecticide Rotations Nymphs/6 ft. Pre-treatment 4 DAT with Orthene (0.5 lb)

Insecticide Rotations Number/6 ft. 5 days 9 days

Tarnished Plant Bug Control Nymphs per 6 ft. 1 st Application

Impact of Leaf Type on TPB Control 4 DAT1 with Orthene (0.5 lb) + Diamond (6 oz.) Nymphs/6 ft. Percent Control

Impact of Nozzle Type on Insect Control Plant Bug Control, Orthene (0.5 lb) Percent Mortality (48 HAT) 40 psi, 5 mph, 9.4 GPA

Impact of Nozzle Type on Insect Control Plant Bug Control, Centric (2 oz.) Percent Mortality (48 HAT) 40 psi, 5 mph, 9.4 GPA

TPB Distribution in Cotton Node Below Terminal Frequency Bidrin = 14 TPB Nontreated = 32 TPB Bidrin = 12 TPB Nontreated = 5 TPB

Temik Side Band Applications No. Nymphs per 6 row ft % 10-31%

Summary and Conclusions Control with insecticides will become less consistent. Spray intervals and rotations will be important. Spray only when absolutely necessary and use accurate scouting methods and thresholds.

Summary and Conclusions No “silver bullets” in the near future. Other factors that reduce plant bug numbers will need to be considered and integrated with foliar insecticides. – Variety selection: short season vs. long season nectaried vs. nectariless – Plant bug sources: wild hosts other crops