Insects work together sometimes, and eat many things including other animals. Only female mosquitos bite Beetles are popular as pets in Japan All of the ants in the world weigh more than all the people Insects can be helpful to people and nature Some insects drown in water, others do not. The largest insects in the world include beetles from South America and the Weta from New Zealand. They are larger than an adult hand. InsectNot an Insect Mosquito
Insect Summary Human = Endoskeleton Insect = Exoskeleton Insect Parts
Insect Quiz Directions: Read the item on the left then click on the appropriate place in the picture or choose the correct word to match from the items at the right. 3.) Insect that flies from Canada to Mexico each year: 2.) Insect: 1.) Head Monarch Mosquito Roadrunner
Standards Arizona Science Standards – 1 st Grade Strand 4: Life Sciences Concept 1: Characteristics of Organisms PO 2: (look up & type out) PO 3: (look up & type out) Arizona Technology Standards – 1 st Grade Strand 1: Creativity & Innovation Concept 1: Knowledge & Ideas PO 1: (look up & type out) NETS*T Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Outcome a: (look up & type out)