Computer Science 210 Computer Organization Course Introduction
A Definition of Computer Science Computer Science – the study of algorithms, including their 1.formal and mathematical properties 2.hardware realizations 3.linguistic realizations 4.applications Gibbs and Tucker, “A Model Curriculum for a Liberal Arts Degree in Computer Science,” Comm. Of the ACM 29, no. 3 (March,1986)
Our Core Requirements Algorithms CS210 Computer Organization (hardware realizations) CS211 Data Structures and Algorithms (mathematical properties) CS312 Programming Language Design (linguistic realizations) CS313 Theory of Computation (formal properties)
Topics for Course Internal representation of data and instructions Logic gates and computer circuitry Detailed look at major components Low level programming of computer – C, assembly language, and machine language
Why? General education as a computer science professional Better understanding of high level programming More efficient use of a computer Better understanding of compilers, operating system issues May have need to operate at low levels from time to time