Practical Measures to Manage Aviation Emissions Martin Eran-Tasker Technical Director Association of Asia Pacific Airlines Seminar on Practical Measures to Manage Aviation Emissions APEC Transportation Working Group (TPT-WG) 3 – 4 April 2008, Kuala Lumpur
Climate Change Global Policy Challenges
Emissions growth Source: IATA, IPCC Global CO 2 emissions “business as usual” Airline CO 2 emissions Global CO 2 emissions reducing to 550ppm Aviation is only a minor contributor to global CO 2 emissions, but our relative share will grow
Source: Airbus Aviation: projected traffic growth Some challenge whether such growth is sustainable
Lifestyle: CO 2 emissions per capita by region International climate change initiatives must address the aspirations of developing nations and principles of equity
Problems in coordinating global solutions Asia differing regional perspectives … ICAO
ICAO 36 th Assembly 2007 Endorsed multi-pillar approach: Technology R&D investments Infrastructure improvements Operational efficiencies Market-based measures, including emissions trading, subject to mutual agreement by governments (EU dissented) Formed high level GIACC group on international aviation and climate change Industry is demonstrating leadership: the problem is political inertia
UN Climate Change Conference 2007 Bali Roadmap All countries agreed to work towards a consensus on a post-2012 Kyoto II framework by December 2009 Still fundamentally divided over treatment of developed and developing nations: “common but differentiated responsibilities” Recognition of role of sustainable forests Mitigation efforts complemented by Adaptation Fund Some dissatisfaction at lack of progress by ICAO regarding international aviation
Aviation industry Contribution to CO2 emissions: 2% but growing Strong record in reducing its environmental impact Committed to 25% fuel efficiency improvement by 2025 Traffic growing at a compound 5% p.a. Even with targeted efficiency improvements of ~2% p.a., aviation emissions are projected to double in size by 2025 Sustainable aviation needs to be seen to be offsetting the full cost of its emissions In the context of commitments to reduce overall emissions, aviation needs to show a willingness to make a wider contribution to global efforts to address the challenge of climate change Further environmental policy measures required
Where should we focus in the short term ?
Technology Invest in new aircraft technology A380 – 3 litres per 100 RTK Enhance existing technology Winglets Take advantage and fully utilize existing aircraft capability Navigation systems Greater investment and support of R&D Alternative Fuels: synthetics, biofuels Airframe/ Engine technology CO 2 emissions standards not required as fuel costs are sufficient incentive for airlines to strive for maximum fuel efficiency
Operational efficiency practices Operation Fuel load management Aircraft weight Loading Operation Maintenance Airframe/ Engine system monitoring and maintenance Maintenance programme Fuel Management team
Infrastructure Route optimization Improve airport traffic flows Utilize existing ATC capability RNAV – RNP Approach – Departure procedures Commitment and Political will
Market-Based Measures Taxes Carbon/ Ticket tax not effective ICAO CAEP study ETS Requires a globally-harmonised, mutually acceptable open approach to address climate change. Voluntary Carbon offset schemes – need to engage and involve the passenger in decision process Requires agreed guidelines Potential for double counting Ability to credit offsets?
International Aviation Ideal candidate for a globally-harmonised, sector-specific approach to address climate change ICAO has the forum and mandate to progress the design of such a scheme Should not underestimate the political inertia and active resistance to preserve the protections afforded to non- Annex 1 countries under the Kyoto framework
Expectations of ICAO & GIACC Measures to support “ carbon-neutral ” growth Reconcile deep rooted political differences on climate change Greater focus on economic analysis, to better balance the technical and scientific details available in CAEP and, more generally, Kyoto
Aviation – planning for sustainable growth Aviation makes a positive contribution to human development Nevertheless, aviation must be seen to be paying for its environmental impact, and make a wider contribution to global efforts to address the challenge of climate change Aviation is highly competitive with extremely low profit margins Naïve integration of international aviation in Kyoto &/or national schemes would severely distort competition and undermine any environmental benefit We need a globally harmonised, sector-specific approach to international aviation emissions Within the UN framework, ICAO remains the most appropriate forum
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