July The Public Health Informatics Institute is a program of The Task Force for Global Health, a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. In 2014, The Task Force celebrates its 30 th year as an organization that convenes partners to leverage resources towards solving unaddressed health needs globally. The Public Health Informatics Institute a program of The Task Force.
Type of Business Non-profit, affiliated with Emory University. The Task Force manages over $1.2 billion per year in donated pharmaceuticals for NTDs from our donor partners (Merck, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, GSK). PHII Overview: The Public Health Informatics Institute PHII is the “informatics arm” of the Task Force under the Health Systems Strengthening sector. 18 employees, 25 current projects, $7M Specializes in defining requirements for information systems development Supports practitioner training through Informatics Academy Disseminate effective practices through learning communities and direct technical assistance Strong focus on open source tools and practices
Motivation for Joining Open Health Tools Organizational alignment with the philosophy of “open source.” Helps us to promote our understanding that common technical requirements supports adoption of information solutions built upon foundation of open architectures designed with interoperability in mind. May provide a platform from which we can disseminate open source products Solutions Implemented We don’t develop IT solutions. We partner with those who do. We publish our functional requirements and technical specification documents to promote greater awareness of public health/population health information needs for open solutions. Involvement with Open Health Tools We can be advocates. We need to learn from you. We need to know how to help our clients benefit from OHT’s work. Links to Products or Services
Company Overview Business US-based 501(c)3 non-profit corporation Headquarters 325 Swanton Way, Decatur, GA Offices Ethiopia and consultants in 60+ countries Employees <100 worldwide + ~100 consultants worldwide Founded June 1984 Financial Strength $1.8 B - Annual Expenses, includes value of donated medicines ~$35-40 million staff operating budget Customers Ministries of Health, State and Local Health Departments, federal agencies and Charitable Foundations Services PHII - Requirements Specs, Informatics Training, Consultative Support, learning communities and convening/secretariat services Task Force –NTD treatment programs, field EPI & lab network, supports health system strengthening and vaccine development and use Partners CDC, HRSA, ASTHO, NACCHO, APHL, CSTE, ISDS, WHO, de Beaumont Fdn, Robt. Wood Johnson Fdn, Bill & Melinda Gates Fdn, Rockefeller Fdn, PATH, RTI, Merck, J&J, Pfizer, GSK, InSTEDD, Regenstrief Institute