QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER Common threads throughout women writers? How were they treated? How did being a woman impact their writing? What support and criticism did they get when they started publishing? How did they differ from male writers?
COMMON THREADS THROUGHOUT WOMEN WRITERS? They have been writing for ages but none of a woman’s work had been published. They were all discriminated against and were not supported by the society around them.
HOW WERE THEY TREATED? Women writers were often looked down upon due to where they were placed in society which was not usually high. And with that being said, they were not treated as fair as male writers. Women were viewed to not be as intelligent as men, so people (men) expected the women to sit at home and do house work.
WHAT SUPPORT AND CRITICISM DID THEY GET WHEN THEY STARTED PUBLISHING? Women write much different than men so people had been use to a male’s point of view and not a female’s. When they first started publishing they did not know what to think. The people were not supportive towards the women when they started being published. After people actually read their work and saw that their point of view was really interesting they began to be supportive.
HOW DID THEY DIFFER FROM MALE WRITERS? The study of women writing developed in the 1970’s. Women’s writing is generally considered an area of specialization in its own right. Their text is very different than a man’s because they have different views on things. Males and Females do write differently. They have different approaches, styles, tones, words, and sentence construction. While men key in on visceral (relating to deep inward feelings) and atmospheric elements, women almost always key in on a character’s motivation and reaction.
EMILY DICKINSON Influential poet whose style was unlike anyone else’s. She was an innovator and used unconventional techniques, such as short lines, slant rhyme and unusual capitalization and punctuation that catches attention and criticism. During the late 19 th and 20 th century, critics looked down upon her individual style and literary prowess, but was later praised.
ZORA HEALE HURSTON African American author (folklorist), anthropologist, and an author during the time of the Harlem Renaissance. She has more than 50 published short stories, plays, and essays. She is best known for her novel “Their Eyes Were Watching God”.