Geography of Religion.


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Presentation transcript:

Geography of Religion

Religion in All Cultures Key culture trait Binds many societies together Gives meaning to people’s lives

Religion and Geography Religions differ from place to place Religions produce cultural traits that can be mapped Religions can greatly affect the cultural landscape; EX: religious buildings and sacred locations marked where certain types of behavior are required

Religion and Geography Religion is an important part of many people’s identity and connection to a certain place Religion can have more indirect effects on the landscape Ex: Christian tradition of burying the dead requires use of some land for cemeteries.

Religion and Geography Religious differences are a key component of many conflicts around the world Ex: Conflicts between Hindus and Muslims in India; Catholics and Protestant in North Ireland Ex: Conflicts between Jews and Muslims in Palestine

Religion Provides a rhythm to daily life Shapes distinctive cultural patterns Remains important around the world, though it has declined in some areas (many people have become secular: non-religious) (Europe); many have become secular as the development of modern technologies and science have caused some to question the beliefs of traditional religion.

Monotheistic: believe in worship of one supreme god or deity Religions are either Monotheistic: believe in worship of one supreme god or deity Polytheistic: believe in worship of many gods or deities Mono: means one/Poly: means many Theism: means belief in the existence of god

Three Main Types of Religion 1. Ethnic Religions- focus on one ethnic group and generally have not spread into other cultures; shaped by old beliefs, legends, and customs; followers tend not to seek to convert people to their beliefs; practice their religion as part of their ethnic heritage (Hinduism, Confucianism)

Three Main Types of Religion 2. Animist Religions- people believe in the presence of the spirits and forces of nature; polytheism- belief in many gods; essential part of most of these religions; often considered ethnic religions because particular peoples practice them; common in many traditional societies and likely were practiced before more modern types of religions became common

Three Main Types of Religion 3. Universalizing Religions- seek followers all over the world; hope to appeal to people of many different cultures; more than half the world’s people follow these religions (Christianity and Islam- are both universalizing); may have missionaries- people who help spread the religion; ultimate goal is to spread their beliefs to the entire world; most rapidly growing religions

How do Universalizing and Ethnic Religions Differ? Appeal to people everywhere Individual founder (prophet) Message diffused widely (missionaries) Followers distributed widely. Holidays based on events in founder’s life. Ethnic Has meaning in particular place only. Unknown source. Content focused on place and landscape of origin. Followers highly clustered. Holidays based on local climate and agricultural practice.

Religion vs. Belief System A religion is based on one’s worship of a particular god or set of gods. A belief system is a set of ideas that one accepts and lives by but is not based on worship of a god or a set of gods.

World Religions Hinduism Sacred Text: The Vedas, Bhagavad Gita Sacred Sites: the Ganges River, the city of Varanas Sacred Creature: the Cow Special Days: Festival of Holi (Spring), Diwali (Festival of Lights- Autumn)

Images of Hinduism

Sacred Text: the pali Canon Sacred Site: Bodhgaya World Belief System Buddhism Sacred Text: the pali Canon Sacred Site: Bodhgaya Sacred Objects: Statues of the Buddha Special Days: Buddha Day (Full Moon of May)

Images of Buddhism

World Religions Judaism Sacred Text: the Torah Sacred Site: Jerusalem Sacred Symbol: Star of David Special Days: Passover (Spring), Rosh Ha-Shanah, Yom Kippur (Late Autumn or Winter, Hannakuh (December)

Images of Judaism

World Religions Christianity Sacred Text: the Bible Sacred Sites: Bethlehem, Jerusalem Sacred Symbol: the cross Special Days: Christmas (December 25th, or January 6th), Easter (Spring)

Images of Christianity

World Belief System Confucianism Sacred Text: The Analects Sacred Symbol: Yin-yang Sacred Site: Confucian Temple Special Day: Teacher’s Day (August/September)

Images of Confucianism

World Religions Islam Sacred Text: The Qur’an Sacred Objects: The Qur’an/Prayer Rugs Sacred Sites: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem Special Days: Fast of Ramadan (Entire 1st month of the Islamic Year), Eid Al-Fitr (end of Ramadan), Eid Al-Adha (at the end of the hajj

Images of Islam