UNCLASSIFIED NCES Net-Centric Enterprise Services Lynda D Myers DISA, Center for Enterprise Capabilites February 2003
UNCLASSIFIED 2 Introduction Background NCES Vision Value Added to the Warfighter Business Value Added Transition to NCES/Timeline Issues Summary
UNCLASSIFIED 3 Background NCES will be a common set of information capabilities for the Global Information Grid (GIG) to: –Task, post, process, use, store, manage and protect information resources on demand for warriors, policy makers, and support personnel –Facilitate interoperability across systems NCES will support: –Entire DoD and Intelligence Community (IC) –Conventional and Nuclear Warfighting –Business units (e.g., FMMP) Networks with services that enable Precision Search,Smart Data Pull, and Collaborative Operations
UNCLASSIFIED 4 NCES will be the approach to: Standing up Joint capabilities-based infrastructure needed for timely, secure, ubiquitous edge user access to decision quality information Enabling edge users to –Rapidly & precisely discover information resources, –Efficiently task information providers, –Post any information they hold, and –Dynamically form collaborative groups for problems solving Providing robust security for and coordinated management of netted information resources
UNCLASSIFIED 5 NCES Vision Core Enterprise Services (CES) Comms Backbone Community- of-Interest (COI) Capabilities Users MessagingESM DiscoveryCollaboration MediationSecurity/IA AppStorage User Asst Levels of Services above core level Support real-time & near-real-time warrior needs and business users C2 Intel Weapon Systems Dynamically Created COIs Logistics Sensors Personnel Finance Etc.
UNCLASSIFIED 6 NCES Value Added to the Warfighter Pull the right info, at the right time, in the right format to meet operational/tactical needs –Compress decision cycles by providing near real-time connectivity/computing power for warfighters and other national security users to enhance collaboration & parallel vice sequential actions Support real-time battle management and operations Provide global, assured, and homogeneous access to heterogeneous intelligence data and other information from all sources Allow rapid exploitation of diverse data sources by individual and organizational users in a manner that can be customized to meet specific mission demands Common information producer/consumer services available to all GIG users.
UNCLASSIFIED 7 NCES Business Value Added Eliminate redundant capabilities Enable Financial Management Modernization Program (near term) Allow for rapid exploitation of diverse data sources by individual and organizational users in a manner that can be customized to meet specific mission demands Common information producer/consumer services (software, processes, and procedures) available to all GIG users.
UNCLASSIFIED 8 NCES MS B Block I NCES BLOCK I Spiral 1 Spiral 2 Spiral 3... n NCES BLOCK II Spiral 1 Spiral 2 MS C Block I Spiral 3... n MS B Block II MS C Block II MS B Block III.. n Transition to NCES Note: NCES will transform infrastructure services that currently exist in legacy programs/projects such as COE, IDM, DMS, DCTS, and others. Legacy systems will require sustainment until existing infrastructure can be transitioned. FY02FY03FY04FY05FY06FY07FY08 FY09 COE 4.X Development NCES Legacy Information Capabilities Sustainment Concepts / Pilots NCES Development/Integration
UNCLASSIFIED 9 NCES MS B Timeline AoA Guidance 1 Nov 02 DISA Submit Study Plan 3 Feb 03 OIPT IPR & Decision Points Final AoA Dec 03 MS B 2QFY04 Draft AOA 1 Oct 03 FY03 FY04 31 Mar 0315 Jun 0322 Sep 03 MS A OIPT 7 Nov 02 Program Budget Review 05 Study Plan Approval 17 Feb 03 NCES ORD, TEMP, C4ISP CCA and FMMP Compliance DCIO NCES Transition Policy Development Apr 03 Acquisition Strategy and APB DPG 05
UNCLASSIFIED 10 Issues Graceful legacy transition is important Need for extensive Teamwork –Must be collaborative with other Service/Agency initiatives –PSA/Service/Agency leads for COIs Deployment strategy needs refinement (centralized, decentralized, federated, integrated) Security, Security, Security Must consider the “last tactical mile”
UNCLASSIFIED 11 Summary NCES is the approach to providing the GIG infrastructure needed for timely, secure, ubiquitous edge user access to decision quality information