Mario Sitta 1 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 Status of ITS v11Hybrid geometry Mario Sitta Univ. Piemonte Orient. & INFN Alessandria.


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Presentation transcript:

Mario Sitta 1 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 Status of ITS v11Hybrid geometry Mario Sitta Univ. Piemonte Orient. & INFN Alessandria

Mario Sitta 2 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 Status of ITS geometry All sensitive volumes already coded in TGeo and checked against blue-prints

Mario Sitta 3 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 High degree of details

Mario Sitta 4 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 Status of ITS geometry All sensitive volumes already coded in TGeo and checked against blue-prints All services and supports till the SSD cone coded in TGeo and checked against blue-prints

Mario Sitta 5 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 High degree of details

Mario Sitta 6 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 Status of ITS geometry All sensitive volumes already coded in TGeo and checked against blue-prints All services and supports till the SSD cone coded in TGeo and checked against blue-prints Services beyond the cone to the TPC interior and some supports (hook, rails) still in old Geant3 code (recode in progress)

Mario Sitta 7 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 Coarse geometry

Mario Sitta 8 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 Overlaps Most of the internal overlaps removed Removal of remaining overlaps in SSD geometry in progress (13 as of this morning trunk Rev correction files from A.Pulvirenti and E.Cattaruzza) Overlaps with MUON absorber (8) and TPC (2) removed Overlaps with FMD (36) still in place (should be checked with FMD people)

Mario Sitta 9 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 Material budget Material budget of the sensitive volumes and internal support cones and cylinders checked against calculations; all volumes simulated as in real life Material budget of the services along the cone checked against calculations; SDD and SSD cables simulated as average volumes

Mario Sitta 10 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 Ex. SDD cables on cones

Mario Sitta 11 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 Material budget Material budget of the sensitive volumes and internal support cones and cylinders checked against calculations; all volumes simulated as in real life Material budget of the services along the cone checked against calculations; SDD and SSD cables simulated as average volumes Material budget outside cones: coarse approximation with Geant3 shapes, to be checked further

Mario Sitta 12 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 SPD services on cones Main assembly with major volumes: bus/MCM extenders (cut at the edge of the cones) plates holding extenders cooling tubes Approximations: straight cables (oriented with the same angle of the cone border) all extenders of each kind (bus/MCM) built as a single unit the resulting thickness of bus + MCM extenders gives the size of the hole

Mario Sitta 13 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 SPD services on cones (II) MCM extender Plate BUS extender Cooling tube

Mario Sitta 14 CERN – Mon. 7 Jul., 2008 SDD Survey SDD sensor positions have been measured after mounting (by means of six fiducial marks located on the upper surface of each detector) The measurements have been inserted in the survey DB long ago Class for reading them in AliRoot in preparation: basic methods to read the ideal (from geometry) and surveyed positions and to store the resulting AlignObj already done actual code to generate the rototranslation matrices in progress