Water Survey Project March 9 th, 2010
Evaluation Rubric Checklist (Pie graph, bar graph, persuasive paragraph)
Calculations: First Steps of Stage 2 Using all of your data from your family’s water surveys, fill in the blanks on your MASTER SHEET MYSELFMon # Showers 1 Tues 2 BROTHERMon # Showers 1 Tues 1 Mon # Showers 2 Master Sheet Add these numbers together
Stage 2: MASTER SHEET MonTuesWedThurFriSatSunTotalTotal x #of L= Total Litre # of showers (5 minutes) X # of baths X130 #of loads of dishes washed by hand in a sink X30 # of loads of dishes but just let the water run. # of minutes you let the water run X12 # of loads of dishes by dishwasher X65 # of loads of laundry X230 # of times using water today for personal use X15 # of times toilet flushed X20 # of taps leaking today (1drop/sec) X25 Total Weekly Use
Stage 3: CategoryTotal Consumption % of your home daily consumption in each category Weekly water use in a Typical Peel Home (%) # Showers44820% Total consumption category/Total water consumption X 100 Total Consumption = Total Litres from MASTER SHEET
What does a Successful Pie Graph Look Like?! Title Pie Slices are drawn on starting with the LARGEST to SMALLEST percentage numbers WRITE in the percentage numbers on the pie pieces Accuracy: Each pie piece is a different colour Neatness: Use a ruler to draw lines Legend: Each colour must show what it represents Border Spelling and Grammar
Types of Movies Watched Legend
DAY TWO: Water Survey Project March 10 th, 2010
Stage 4 of Survey Handout Groups of 4 First, must have total consumption number Group member name Number of People in Household Total ConsumptionConsumption per person within each household (total water consumption/number of people in household) Bobby Sally Jimmy Katie
Stage 4 of Survey Handout 2. List some ways that your family consumes water 3. List some ways that your group members consume water 4. What would you and your group members do to reduce your use of water?
What Does a Successful Bar Graph Look Like?! Title Border Legend Label on Axis (x and y) Accurate: each bar is a different colour; one to represent a different family Neatness: Ruler used for the lines
Stage 4: Bar Graph Weekly Water Use X-Axis Y-Axis Number of People in Family Weekly Water Use Legend Bob Sally Jimmy Katie