Assignment #01 1. SIX person per group : you may divide yourself into sub-groups. 2. Things to submit / produce : a. A working paper / report for each group [5 to 10 pages] b. Author(s) of various parts are to be clearly stated c. Powerpoint slides [15 to 20 slides] d. Presentation [maximum 30 minutes per group, all members must present, i.e. roughly 5 minutes/person] e. Report & Presentation slides to be FTP-ed to be server which would be announced later. 3. Deadline (report & slides) : (MON) before 12 midnight 4. Each group would take turn to present to the class after deadline.
Topics for Assignment #01 [choose one group from 1 to 9, each group is limited to 6 person only] Introduction [6 person] 1. Definition of VR 1. Various Term : VE, CVE, SharedVE etc. 1. Misconception of VR 1. History of VR (how VR evolved) 1. Overview of VR Applications (Past, Present, Future) 1. Example of Virtual World on WWW
Application of VR [6+6+6=18 person] 2. VR for Engineering Design (CAD/CAM etc.) 2. VR for Architecture 2. VR for Science 2. VR for Scientific Visualization / Large Data-Set Visualization 3. VR for Telecommunication 3. VR and Internet 3. Potential of VR for E-Commerce 3. Collaborative VE / Collaborative Computing 4. VR for Entertainment 4. VR for Military 4. VR for Education : V. Classroom, V. Library, V. Lab
Technology of VR [6+6=12 person] 5. Survey of VR Hardware (how they work) 5. Survey of VR Software - Authoring Tools / World Builder etc. 5. Survey of VR Software - Scripting, programming etc. 5. Survey of Agent & Avatars Technology 6. Overview of VRML 6. Overview of Java3D 6. Overview of OpenInventor 6. Overview of MPEG4 6. Other languages for VR
Issues of VR [6 person] 7. Human-Computer Interface / Intelligent Interface in VE 7. Issues in Networked VE / How to overcome network bottleneck 7. Social Impact of VR 7. VR in Malaysia and MSC
Future of VR [6+6=12 person] 8. Web3D ( - various working groups 9. VR in the Next 5 Years, 10 Years, the next 100 years 9. Major Books + Publications (Journals etc.) 9. Major Conferences 9. Major Resources