1 1.Log in to the computer in front of you –Temp account: 231class / 2.Update your in Cascadia's system –If I need to you I'll use this address –Google for "Cascadia Student Toolbox" –You are required to read your at least once every 24 hours 3.Set up Canvas notifications for discussions –There’s info in the 'Orientation' page –You are required to read all announcements and discussion board messages at least once every 24 hours. 4.Fill out the NSF Survey (in Lesson 01) 5.Introduce yourself to the people around you
BIT 143: Programming - Data Structures Instructor: Mike Panitz Mon, 3:30 pm to 5:35 pm, Room CC1-231 Google for “Panitz 143”
Hybrid vs. online Pretty much identical Except that hybrid students MUST attend class OL students CAN attend class –Why not sign up for OL? –There's a quiz to help you think about this decision If you want to switch THE TEACHER BIT 142 3
4 Objective: Learn C# Programming! Introduction to C# You’ll learn by doing –Practice, practice, practice! –10-15 hours outside of class, per week, on average! Solve medium-sized problems Understanding is the key!! BIT 142 and BIT 143
5 143: Topics Review: –OOP Programming –Big “Oh” notation –(And Basic Unit Testing) Abstract Data Types: –Stacks –Queues –Linked Lists –Binary (Search) Trees Recursion Sorting – QuickSort BIT 142 and BIT 143
6 Syllabus If info isn’t on here, you should ask before it’s an issue. YOU are responsible for knowing the syllabus! Details will be malleable –Should plan on full class (no early departure) Exams are pencil-and-paper ONLY!! BIT 142 and BIT 143
BIT 115: Introduction To Programming7 BYOLaptop (if you want) If you have your own laptop, and you feel comfortable bringing it to class feel free to do so (There’s wireless/ethernet in this room) If you have a laptop & run into problems installing the software, bring your laptop to class & we can look at it together (regardless of whether you bring it regularly)
8 Note on reading BIT 143 will be following the “C# For Programmers” book, but not as closely as 142 did –Get it if you’ve got the money, and/or you used the 142 textbook a lot BIT 142 and BIT 143
9 No Cheating! In the event copying should occur: all participants in the plagiarism (both the person plagiarizing, and the person whose work was taken) will receive: –a 20% penalty on the first offense –a grade of zero for the second offense, and –for a third (and final) offense, all parties will be given the option of either withdrawing (if the drop deadline hasn't been passed) or taking a "0.0" for the term. –Second (and third) offenses include offenses from prior terms Examples of individual work: –Homework Assignments –Exams BIT 142 and BIT 143
10 Make-Up Policy If you notify the instructor at least one week prior to an exam or quiz, it may be possible to take the exam or quiz at a different time than the scheduled date. No make-ups will be given for exams, presentations, or other such graded events, that were missed without prior notification to the instructor. Any disagreements about your grade should be brought to my attention immediately. BIT 142 and BIT 143
Exams happen in-class There are NO ONLINE EXAMS –If you're an online student start planning for this now!!!! Exams happen in class –You must bring photo ID, which will be checked! Exam occurs during class time on the date specified Exam dates are listed on the respective course home page
12 Group up in fours 10 minutes to: –Download The Syllabus & read “Assessment” section –Be prepared to explain any of these topics: PCEs –How do the first three lessons differ from the remainder? Homeworks –Submission policy (esp. "When is it late?") In-Class Work and Video Viewing Outlines/Quizes Exams I'll call on several groups to present these topics –EVERY member of the group must say something substantial Pairwise Reading: Grades BIT 142 and BIT 143
13 Autograder Starting with Lesson 03, your weekly work will be autograded Next week we’ll spend some class time going over the autograder stuff. BIT 142 and BIT 143
14 Next Up: 143 Course Material First: Take the NSF survey! BIT 142 and BIT 143