CETIS Web2.0 a learning and teaching viewpoint Scott Wilson, CETIS This work is licensed under a Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence
CETIS web 2.0 >>> eLearning 2.0 Going personal and global Symmetric relationships Mashing and remixing
CETIS Learning & Teaching in a Web 2.0 world Discover opportunities to learn Create and share work Collect and remix Collaborate with others Innovate and develop technique
CETIS Discovery and Learning and Discovery and Learning and … Cyclic process Sometimes the point of an episode is to shape discovery For the learner, the processes of doing and choosing what to do next are closely bound together Shared goals form social bonds and can enable formation of networks
CETIS Strategies for discovery Searching Matching goals/interests/competencies Building on previous achievements Collaborative social filtering Collaborative social intelligence Finding a pathway to a future goal Serendipity
CETIS 2.0: Going Global with Learning Networks Combining (mashups) of formal and informal learning episodes Using shared goals to forge a social identity Symmetry of experience in informal and formal discovery and action Global community of peers The Long Tail
CETIS Aggregating opportunities Formal learning –Prospectuses XCRI - RSS for the prospectus! AND Informal learning –43Things –LiveJournal Communities –Flickr Groups –MeCanBe
CETIS Learning networks In the future, will learners already be part of a learning network before joining a course? Will they have a pre-existing community of peers? Inversion - can institutions be facilitators of learning networks instead of purveyors of courses? –tencompetence
CETIS Creating and Sharing Writing (and photographing, drawing, filming, recording…) Developing a professional identity Developing competence, confidence, and independence Going global for feedback
CETIS Collecting and Remixing: Pedagogy Constructivism –attenuating and labelling a subset of the knowledge environment; re-categorising a conception of the knowledge environment into a personal schema; synthesis (dialectic) Connectivism –Forming new connections and generating networks that extend the power of the individual; however, actionable knowledge (learning) resides in the network, not necessarily the individual
CETIS Tagging and republishing Sharing playlists –RSS, Atom, OPML, XSPF… –identity, priority, shared understanding extending (globally) the power of an individual act of tagging/mixing –Flickr, del.icio.us, …
CETIS Collaboration Collaboration is at the heart of many pedagogic strategies –Collaborative knowledge construction –Group activity
CETIS Collaborative Knowledge Construction Wikis Collaborative bookmarking and remixing Conversation
CETIS Coordination of Group Activity Who? –Teacher-designed activity –Learner self-organised activity Why? –Project-based learning –Collaborative research –Study and debating groups –Structured investigations
CETIS Coordinated group activity What? –Planning, scheduling and managing action –Collaborative writing (drawing, recording, filming) –Journaling –Conversation How? –BaseCamp, TaDaList, Google Calendar, 30Boxes, iCalendar … –Writely, wikis … –Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Wordpress … –Skype, AIM, MSN…
CETIS Self-organisation Learners need to be able to organize themselves Define their own groups –VLEs are too often asymmetric - what the student can do vs. what the teacher can do –VLEs are too closed - groups can only be within the organisation
CETIS Innovation Learning is all about trying new things. Teaching requires adapting and learning The desire to innovate is genuine - but may not coincide with the technological ideas of institutions…
CETIS Implementation Self-service –Hosted services –Self-installed: the Rise of Moodle Recombinant software –Mashups and composites –The new HyperCard? Blurring the desktop and the web –desktop web service applications and widgets –AJAX and rich internet clients
CETIS Technique Teachers and learners develop technique in the tools they use –Sometimes a choice of innovation is driven by the desire to acquire or develop technique Motivation for developing technique is greater for personally-owned technologies
CETIS The Challenge Students and teachers are already using web 2.0 Web 2.0 emphasizes personal technology connected globally –bypassing institutions?
CETIS Useful links My Blog – TenCompetence – XCRI – 43Things –