Study Guide for ACA exam Photoshop CC Study Guide for ACA exam By: Shania “NiaJay” Jordine
Which option is presented to the client for feedback before designing the final project? Check off List Mock Up or Comp Invoice List of roles and responsibilities
What are the 5 phases of a design project? Planning Scheduling Design/Build Test/Review Publish
Copyright Terms Derivative Work – A work derived from or based on one or more existing works Intellectual Property – May include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets. Copyright – Provides protection to authors of “original works of authorship”; both published and unpublished works can be protected. Fair-Use – Allows work to be reproduced or altered for a variety of reasons including news reporting, teaching, parity, and research.
What are some characteristics of Vectors They’re made with mathematical equations, lines and shapes. They can easily be enlarged without losing quality It is a format used primarily for charts, logos and symbols
Which design principles can be represented with an overlay when using the Crop Tool? Rule of Thirds Golden Spiral Golden Ratio
Selections/Hue & Saturation Load the selection named “Sky” and apply a Hue and Saturation layer with the Sepia preset. Got to Select > Load Selection Next to channel expand the dropdown and select “Sky”. Click Ok With the active selection, click on the hue & saturation icon in the adjustments panel to create a new adjustment layer. In the properties select “Sepia” from the Preset dropdown.
Scenario You are ready to finalize your project and submit it for printing at a commercial printer, convert the document to the appropriate color mode. Got to Image > Mode > CMYK Color Since you are preparing for print you will need to select the CMYK color mode
What are some characteristics of Sans Serif fonts? Better on web Used to create emphasis (for headings) Does NOT have small decorative lines (serifs) on them
Image Terms Interpolation – A method used by Photoshop to resample an image using existing pixel colors. Upsampling – Increasing the size of an image by changing its data. Resolution – Measurement of an image on the screen, web or video. Downsampling – Decreasing the size of an image by changing its data
Scenario Prepare the image for use on the web by changing the ppi (pixels per inch) to 72 Got to Image > Image Size Change resolution to 72
Scenario Align the horizontal centers of the three shapes Hold Ctrl and select all of the layers Make sure you are using the Move tool. If not, click it. In the control bar, click the Align Horizontal Center icon in the align panel
When working with text which two options could lessen the readability of your design project? Overusing center alignment Using all lower case letters
Which three of the following would you rasterize? Type Shape Smart Object
Scenario Create a new group named “Shapes”. Assign all three shape layers to the group and collapse the group. Hold Ctrl and select all of the layers Click the “New Group” icon in the layers panel and name it “Shapes” Click and drag each layer into the group Click the small arrow to the left of the group layer to collapse the group
Scenario Using the adjustment layer, create a non- destructive saturation adjustment for the background. Set the Saturation to -80. Make sure the adjustment layer is selected Click the properties panel Change the number to - 80 next to saturation
Which of the following is a reason that a designer may want to change the CMYK working space in the color settings dialog box? To use the same color space that the printer uses when editing an image.
What is the purpose of flattening an image in Photoshop? Flattened images are smaller
Scenario Print the image and set the Color Handling option to Photoshop Manages Colors. Go to File > Print In the print dialogue box, next to Color handling, click the dropdown and select Photoshop Manages Color
Scenario Save the document so that the slices are saved as separate images using the PNG – 24 format Go to File > Save for Web In the preset dropdown, select PNG-24 Click Save
Scenario Unlock the background layer by renaming it. Name the layer Garden. Double-click the layer In the dialogue box type “Garden” in the name field. Click ok
Scenario Locate the options bar by clicking on it.
Which two options are advantages of Smart Objects? Apply filters non-destructively Create a reference to an image allowing it to be switched later without having to recreate the image.
Scenario Save the following image for viewing on the web as a JPEG file. Set the width to 300 pixels and maintain the aspect ratio.(Do not use the image size tool for this) File>Save for Web Under image size change the width to 300 pixels Go to the drop box and change to JPEG Click ok
Which of the following allows images to be used across multiple Adobe programs? Adobe Bridge
Identify the icons for the following tools Quick Selection Rectangular Single Row Lasso Magic Wand
Identify the icons for the following tools Quick Selection Rectangular Single Row Lasso Magic Wand
Scenario Apply a Smart Filter to the image use crystallize with a cell of 25. Filter> Pixelate>Crystallize Change cell size to 25 Click ok
Scenario Use the sky fill layer to fill in the extra space for the sky using the Auto Blend Layer command. Hold Ctrl and select both layers Go to Edit> Auto Blend Layer Click ok
Scenario Add the title “Glacier Gardens” to the sky area of the image. Use the default text settings. Click the Text tool Click on the image and type.
Scenario Use the Auto- Contrast feature on the image. Image> Auto Contrast
Identify the icons for the following tools Line Tool Polygonal Tool Sharpen Tool Custom Shape Tool Eraser Tool
Scenario Using the Magic wand tool with a tolerance of 58, select the sky and invert the selection Select the magic wand tool Change the tolerance to 58 (in the options bar) Click the sky to make a selection Go to Select > Inverse
Scenario Use the lasso tool and the Content Aware Fill command to remove the sign located at the lower left of the statue Select the lasso tool Make a selection around the sign Go to Edit > Fill Make sure content aware is selected in the drop down Press OK
Scenario Using the Spot Healing tool, remove the white scratch from the car Select the Spot healing brush Brush over the scratch on the car
Scenario Add a Rectangle shape that uses the RGB Cyan fill color behind the text Glacier Gardens so that the text appears inside the shape. Select the rectangle tool Select the RBG Cyan from the fill pallet in the options panel Draw a shape around the text Glacier Gardens
Scenario Rotate the image so that it is 90 degrees Counter Clockwise from its current position Go to Image > Image Rotation Select 90 degrees Counter Clockwise
Scenario Display the ruler then change the unit of measure of the ruler to Pixels Go to View > Rulers Right click on the Ruler and select Pixels
Scenario Use the brush tool with a size of 18px to paint a circle around the chip on the statue’s cheek. Select the paint brush tool Change the brush to 18 px in the Options panel Draw a circle around the chip on the statue’s cheek.
Which of the following formats are best suited for high quality images on a web page? JPG PNG
Which of the following allows a designer to create a photo gallery? Adobe Bridge