OBJECTIVES Describe the distribution of mangroves. Describe climatic features of MG areas. Describe & explain the features of MG. Describe the adaptations of MG.
DISTRIBUTION along sheltered coastal regions Found b/w 23.5°N and S of the equator. areas experiencing tropical climate
STRUCTURE 3 distinct horizontal zones No vertical layers
Horizontal zonation of Mangroves
STRUCTURE Coastal Zone Inland Zone Middle Zone Nearest to the coast Adapted to salt water Aerial roots Avicennia, Sonneratia Inland Zone Grow inland Least tolerant of salt Knee-like roots Bruguiera Middle Zone Prop roots Stilt roots Rhizophora
C1: Little Variety Mangrove is species poor as there are only 4 main species present: Avicennia, Sonneratia, Rhizophora, Bruguiera This is because only Halophytes (salt tolerant plants) can survive in this region.
C2: Dense & Luxuriant Most form a dense, continuous canopy due to the presence of high temperatures and high rainfall.
C3: Sparse Undergrowth Little sunlight filters through the dense, continuous canopy. Hence there is little undergrowth present in this layer.
C4: Evergreen leaves As there is high temperature and high rainfall throughout the year, the leaves remain evergreen.
C5: Colourful flowers The flowers are generally colourful to attract insects to pollinate its flowers.
C6: Buoyant Fruits This enables fruits to be carried away by waves and currents to new coastal areas.
A1: High rainfall The leaves are broad with drip tips to enable water to flow off the leaves quickly.
A2: High Temperature The leaves are thick and leathery to reduce water loss through transpiration.
A3: Salt Avicennia are salt secretors: They excrete excess salt on their leaves which are then removed by the wind or rain. Bruguiera, Rhizophora, Sonneratia are ultrafiltrators: They absorb salt and store it in the old leaves which fall off eventually.
A4: Oxygen Deprived Due to waterlogged conditions in the mangrove environment, the soil is oxygen-deprived. Avicennia and Sonneratia have aerial roots: As these roots are exposed during low tide, they take in oxygen.
A5: Muddy Soil Prop Roots Keed Roots (Knee-Like) Rhizophora: Stilt or prop roots which anchor the roots firmly to the ground Keed Roots (Knee-Like) Bruguiera: Kneed roots that provide firm support on the soft soil. Fruits with elongated structure: Rhizophora: enables the fruits to anchor in soft muddy soil.