As well as its beauty the nature stores benefits in it. Numerous kinds of herbs have been used to prevent a variety of human diseases for centuries. Now, we are going to introduce some of them.
As well as against influenza infections, it has miracle effects against skin blemishes. It is also important to fight against stress. It is grown in the Mediterranean area, has very small, thick, narrow leaves Needle-like leaves. Height 2 meters long. Flowers blue or purple. Corrects indigestionUseful for asthma, bronchitis and anemia
Grows in spring It relieves pain of rheumatism Stop nose bleeding Covered with stiff hairs Its leaves are few and small. There is no handle. Its leaves are boiled, and eaten as salad Helps to loss of sand of the kidneys Helps to heal chronic lung infections
It has got omega-6 fatty acid nourishes and strengthens skin cells grown in all regions of the Mediterranean, evergreen, curved, large-bodied Reduces the amount of sugar in the blood
It is grown in Black Sea Region especially in our city, ORDU Gives strength to the body. Hazelnut oil, reduces kidney pains Helps to get rid of kidney sands
It is benefical for difficulty breahting,asthma and bronchitis. Removes intestine gasses It ceases stomach pains It is good for cold
It contains C vitamins highly It is effective on cold It is good for regulation of blood sugar It increases body resistance against diseases
It feeds liver It has got powerful effect at high fever It helps balancing sugar
It removes nerve,stress,sleep disorders It also good for every kind of headaches
It relaxes body It eases digestion It is useful against difficulty in breath,stomachache and coughing
It prevents infections by purifying kidneys It has slimming effects It is benefical for gout
Getting The Herbs
Preparing a healthy tea with 3 kinds of herbs;Nettle,Rosemary,Rosehip