Antirrhinum Majus cv / Snapdragon Annual Grows up to m tall, rarely up to 2 m A single snapdragon plant may produce seven or eight blossom spikes in the course of a summer
Aquilegia x Hybrida cv. / Columbine Perennial herb Grows 1-3 ft. Thrive throughout the U.S.
Amelanchier Arborea / Downy Serviceberry Perennial Shrub Grows in most eastern states 15’ to 25’ tall
Astilbe Hybrid cv. / Astilbe Perennial Grows 6 to 40 inches Most available types are complex hybrids
Begonia Semperflorens-Cultorum/ Wax Begonia Grows from 6 to 18 inches Annual Blooms from spring to fall Flower
Berberis x Mentorensis/ Mentor Barberry Semi-evergreen shrub 5 ft. tall with equal or slightly greater width Red fruit, doesn’t fruit very often Yellow flowers
Betula Nigra/ River Birch Grows from eastern United States, from southern New England to Florida and west to Minnesota and Kansas Deciduous tree Grows 50 ft.- 70 ft. or larger