TBWG Montreal, Quebec October 23, 2013 Greening of the Border Update A Land Port for the 21 st Century Van Buren, Maine
Van Buren, Maine May ’s era facility Existing port was extensively damaged by flooding in Is it practical repairing a facility that is over 40 years old?
Van Buren, ME The Path Forward Replaced with new, energy efficient high performance facility. Funded in 2009 through the Recovery Act. Construction completed summer 2013.
Green Border Features Achieving LEED Gold Energy efficient construction that utilized insulated pre-cast concrete panels. Ground-source geothermal heating and cooling system. Radiant floor heating. Solar hot water heating system Solar tubes for interior space daylighting LED energy efficient lighting
A Positive Economic Impact The project generated $10.7M for 25 subcontractors in Maine $3.3M in Aroostook County $1.5M in the Town of Van Buren.
Questions? Thank You GSA Office of Design & Construction 18 th & F Street NW Washington, DC Tel: