Journal 1-6: ½ page With a group of three/four sitting near you, brainstorm a list of heroes and a list of villains. These can come from films, comics, the real world, literature, etc. After you make your list, answer the following questions: What is your definition of a hero and what do you consider a “heroic action”? What is the dividing line between a hero and a villain?
Characteristics of an EPIC HERO The central figure in a long narrative that reflects the values and heroic ideals of a particular society.
Eight Characteristics of an EPIC HERO 1. Brave 2. Superhuman in strength (physical, mental, spiritual) 3. Successful in battle 4. Contemptuous of his wounds, even in death 5. Born of noble stock, maybe semi-divine 6. Gains fame outside his own country 7. His FOIL is usually a king who is weakened by flaw: (Temporarily weakened or too old to function in protective capacity for his nation.) FOILS MAKE HERO SHINE!
8. Extremely loyal Eight Characteristics of an EPIC HERO continued … Epic Poem Beowulf is not a traditional “intruder-hero” who conquers and takes over. He respects the legitimacy of the Danish kingship, his “temporary king.” He has no intention of usurping Hrothgar’s kingship. Beowulf becomes king only after his King Higlac’s son (Beowulf’s cousin) dies in battle.