LOCAL FORMUS FOR DEVELOPING PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY T his project is co-financed by the European Commission under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme “Promoting Youth and EU migrants participation in the EU Parliament elections 2009” Local Strategies Overview: CEPS Barcelona, City of Torino, City of Celje, Larnaca Development Agency, Celje - JC Socio, Municipality of Nea Alikarnasos
LOCAL FORMUS FOR DEVELOPING PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY T his project is co-financed by the European Commission under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme Overall Aim: - Spreading the Knowledge about EU and its institutions - Raising awareness about importance of “ VOTING ” as a basis of Democracy - Providing information about electoral legislation and practicalities - Maximizing the use of existing electoral tools
LOCAL FORMUS FOR DEVELOPING PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY T his project is co-financed by the European Commission under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme Target Groups There two main target groups of the project: - Young Adults ( years old ) - European citizens from other member states Local strategies witnessed a more specified approaches: - students and pupils - members of Youth and Voluntary organisations - members of Foreigners associations - people with limited access to computers and Internet - first time voters
LOCAL FORMUS FOR DEVELOPING PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY T his project is co-financed by the European Commission under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme Actions foreseen: - on-line sources: Local websites – informative and interactive spaces - promotional campaign: use of local and national media, posters, flyers - local meetings, round tables, debates - meetings with local candidates - participation in public cultural and social events
LOCAL FORMUS FOR DEVELOPING PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY T his project is co-financed by the European Commission under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme Local Co-operation Importance of Building on previous experiences and Joining efforts Involved and potential partners: - Youth centers and organisations - European Parliament representational offices - Information centers - Schools - Political parties
LOCAL FORMUS FOR DEVELOPING PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY T his project is co-financed by the European Commission under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme Needs: - Information about EU structure and institutions - Good practices exchange - Marketing and Communication skills and tips - Dummy elections
LOCAL FORMUS FOR DEVELOPING PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY T his project is co-financed by the European Commission under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme Risks and Opportunities: - Reaching the public - Making the subject interesting - Staying Neutral - Structured action plan - Financial planning